Updated: 2015-12-11 17:39 EST
Do not print this assignment on paper!
- On paper, you will miss updates, corrections, and hints added to the online version.
- On paper, you cannot follow any of the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question.
- On paper, scrolling text boxes will be cut off and not print properly.
12h30 (12:30pm) Sunday December 13, 2015 (end of Week 14)
WARNING: Some inattentive students upload Assignment #11 into the Assignment #10 upload area. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact.
Do not print this assignment on paper! On paper, you cannot follow any of the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question.
This assignment is based on your weekly Class Notes.
Remember to READ ALL THE WORDS to work effectively and not waste time.
This is an overview of how you are expected to complete this assignment. Read all the words before you start working.
For full marks, follow these directions exactly.
Since I also do manual marking of student assignments, your final mark may not be the same as the mark submitted using the current version of the Checking Program. I do not guarantee that any version of the Checking Program will find all the errors in your work. Complete your assignments according to the specifications, not according to the incomplete set of the mistakes detected by the Checking Program.
You will create file system structure in your HOME directory on the CLS, with various directories, files, and links. When you are finished the tasks, leave these files, directories, and links in place as part of your deliverables on the CLS. Do not delete any assignment work until after the term is over! Assignments may be re-marked at any time; you must have your term work available right until term end.
All references to the Source Directory below are to the CLS directory ~idallen/cst8207/15f/assignment11/
and that name starts with a tilde character ~
followed by a user name with no intervening slash. The leading tilde indicates to the shell that the pathname starts with the HOME directory of the account idallen
(seven letters).
You do not have permission to list the names of all the files in the Source Directory, but you can access any files whose names you already know.
All course notes are available on the Internet and also on the CLS. You can learn about how to read and search these CLS files using the command line on the CLS under the heading Copies of the CST8207 course notes near the bottom of the page Course Linux Server.
Most of the tasks below ask you to write a small executable shell script, based on the lecture notes and slides. None of the scripts need complex Boolean expressions (“||
” or “&&
” or -a
or -o
); they are all simple scripts with simple conditional logic.
Each script below must begin with the Standard Script Header you used for your previous script assignments. See the class notes.
Though the header is executable code, in the descriptions below we don’t count those lines, or any comment or blank lines, in the size of the script. We only count the new lines of code that you write.
For example, a “one-line script” is really several lines of header, a blank line, a block of several comment lines that Document Your Script, another blank line, and then your one line of actual script code. The description below calls this a one line script, even though it may contain a dozen lines.
Make sure that your script file is executable, so that it can be executed as ./scriptname.sh
from the shell command line.
Build up each script by adding a few lines and testing what you have added; don’t write the whole thing and try to debug it!
Run the given tests on your scripts to make sure they work. Sample output for each of the scripts is given, so that you may check your work as you proceed.
Make sure your script handles all of the sample inputs given, especially the inputs containing shell metacharacters. (System crackers often attack your system using special characters as input.)
The examples below do not fully test your script; you will need to try other examples to make sure your scripts work properly for all possible inputs, especially inputs with blanks and shell meta-characters.
Remember to double quote all variable expansions to prevent syntax errors and other unwanted problems in your script.
Error messages must print on standard error. Regular command output must print on standard output.
For full marks, follow these task directions below exactly as written. READ ALL THE WORDS to work effectively and not waste your time.
Your instructor will also mark on the due date the work you do in your account on the CLS. Leave all your work on the CLS and do not modify it. Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the course is over.
You must keep a list of command names used each week and write down what each command does, as described in the [List of Commands You Should Know]. Without that list to remind you what command names to use, you will find assignments very difficult.
Do a Remote Login to the Course Linux Server (CLS) from any existing computer, using the host name appropriate for whether you are on-campus or off-campus. All work in this assignment must be done on the CLS.
Base Directory: Make the CLS directory named ~/CST8207-15F/Assignments/assignment11
, in which you will create the files and scripts resulting from the following tasks. (You do not have to create any directories that you have already created in a previous assignment.) Spelling and capitalization must be exactly as shown:
symbolic link needed to run the Checking Program, as described in the section Checking Program below.This assignment11
directory is called the Base Directory for most pathnames in this assignment. Store your files and answers in this Base Directory, not in your HOME directory or anywhere else.
Use the symbolic link to run the Checking Program to verify your work so far.
Normally the Checking Program checks all the scripts. This can be slow if you are only interested in the check output for one script that you are working on. You can now check just one or more individual scripts by giving the script names as arguments to the checking program:
$ ./check arguments.sh # only check this script
$ ./check acol1.sh acol2.sh # only check these scripts
Do not submit for marking the output of checking only a few scripts!
These scripts deal with command line arguments. The concepts here will be used in the next section.
Review Properties of all Scripts, above.
IndexYou need to understand basic Shell Scripts to do this. No flow control statements are needed.
Arguments on the command line and positional parameters:
Create a two-line script named arguments.sh
that prints to the screen (standard output) exactly two lines:
with your description. The number must appear on the same line as the description.argdescyyy
with your description. The arguments must appear on the same line as the description.Examples:
$ ./arguments.sh
nargsxxx: 0 # use your own words for nargsxxx
argdescyyy: # use your own words for argdescyyy
$ ./arguments.sh one two 'three four' '*'
nargsxxx: 4
argdescyyy: one two three four *
$ ./arguments.sh foo bar >out
$ cat out
nargsxxx: 2
argdescyyy: foo bar
$ ./arguments.sh /bin/* >out
$ head -n 1 out
nargsxxx: 151 # number may differ
$ ./arguments.sh /usr/bin/* >out
$ head -n 1 out
nargsxxx: 1782 # number may differ
Notes and Hints:
and argdescyyy
above. Explain in your own words what the output is.Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
IndexYou need to understand Shell Variables, Shell Scripts and Control Structures to do this script.
Arguments and conditional statements if then else
, and test
Create a script named webgrephome.sh
that fetches the Course Home page URL http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8207/15f/
from the Internet, formats it, and searches for an optional text string and one line of surrounding context in the formatted page. If no argument is given, search for the default text string: Final exam
The script must have exactly the following structure and use full if then else
statements and not conditional operators such as &&
# Follow this structure (2 IF statements, 1 ELSE) for your script:
if the number of arguments is zero, then
set a variable to be the default text string
if the number of arguments is one, then
set the same variable to be the first (only) argument
print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
exit the script with a status 2
# The one line below is the pipeline that does the actual work:
search the formatted web page for the text in the variable, with context
Hints: (Read All The Words!)
command with three options from the Redirection course notes page to fetch the URL and format the web page. (Use the command and options; do not use an alias.)elinks
into a text search program, using the contents of the variable as the text to search for. The text string must be searched for literally; it is not a pattern or regular expression.--context
option to print one line of context before and after the search text (if found). (RTFM)elinks
command pipeline exactly once. Do not duplicate code. Hints: See the single use of ls -l
in the example in the “Nested if statements” section in Control Structures. See also the single use of echo
in the case
examples in “The multi-way case … esac statement” in the same page. The command is used once; variables are set to give the command different arguments.elif
to simplify the nested if
statement. See the section “Nested if statements” in the Control Structures page.Examples:
$ ./webgrephome.sh
2015-12-19 – Week 15 – Saturday December 19 08h00 (8am to 11am) – T117/119
– Final exam (3 hours – 30%)
$ ./webgrephome.sh "Thanksgiving Day"
2015-10-12 – Week 6 – Monday October 12 – Thanksgiving Day (College
$ ./webgrephome.sh too many args
...your own error message prints here...
...your own usage message prints here...
Notes and Hints:
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
These path checking scripts use concepts from the above Basic Scripts and add error checking and conditional logic. You may find it useful to copy and adapt some of your working code from the above Basic Scripts.
Review Properties of all Scripts, above.
IndexYou need to understand Shell Scripts and Control Structures to do this.
Arguments and conditional statements if then else
, and test
Combine the concepts from the previous scripts and add argument validation. Create a script named testexist.sh
that outputs a line saying whether an argument pathname (any kind of pathname) exists or not.
The pathname will be passed to the script as the only argument to the script. The script must ensure that exactly one argument is supplied, and that the argument is not the empty string. If anything is wrong, the script will issue both a Good Error Message and a Usage Message (how to use the script) on stderr and exit with an exit status of 2
The script must have exactly the following structure and use full if then else
statements and not conditional operators such as &&
# Follow this exact structure (3 IF statements, 1 ELSE) for your script:
if the number of arguments is not 1, then
print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
exit the script with a status 2
if the argument is empty (empty string ""), then
print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
exit the script with status 2
if the argument is a pathname that exists, then
print a statement saying that the pathname 'xxx' exists
exit the script with status 0
print a statement saying that the pathname 'xxx' doesn't exist
exit the script with status 1
where xxx
is whatever argument the user supplied on the command line. (Make sure the script outputs the quoted name of the pathname somewhere in the output message.)
The script will exit with a status of:
if the pathname exists.1
if the pathname does not exist.2
if the number of arguments is not 1, or, if the one argument pathname is the empty string.The examples below do not show the correct message output from the script. You must write your own error messages and Usage messages according to the Good Error Message rules, and you must choose what to say if the pathname does exist. (Remember to output the quoted pathname!)
$ ./testexist.sh >out
...error message about wrong number of arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh a '*' c >out
...error message about wrong number of arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh "" >out
...error message about empty argument prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh testexist.sh
...some message saying that the supplied pathname exists...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh ..
...some message saying that the supplied pathname exists...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh /dev/null
...some message saying that the supplied pathname exists...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh /dev/sda
...some message saying that the supplied pathname exists...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh /dev/log
...some message saying that the supplied pathname exists...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh nosuchfile
...some message saying that the supplied pathname does not exist...
$ echo $?
$ ./testexist.sh '*' >out
$ echo $?
$ cat out
...some message saying that the supplied pathname does not exist...
Notes and Hints:
missing argument
.Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
IndexYou need to understand Shell Scripts and Control Structures to do this.
Arguments and loop statement if then else
, test
, and for
Create a script named myread.sh
that loops over one or more pathname arguments. For each argument, print a message if the argument is inaccessible nor non-existent, otherwise print a message if the pathname is not readable.
The script must have exactly the following structure and use full if then else
statements and not conditional operators such as &&
# Follow this structure (3 IF statements, 1 FOR loop) for your script:
if the number of arguments is zero, then
print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
exit the script with a status 2
for each argument on the command line
if the argument does not exist
print a message about being inaccessible or nonexistent
if the argument is not readable
print a message about being not readable
Notes and Hints:
followed immediately by if
into an elif
statement, as shown in Condensing IF ELSEmissing argument
.The examples below do not show all the correct message output from the script. You must write your own error messages and Usage messages according to the Good Error Message rules.
$ ./myread.sh >out
...error message about missing arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./myread.sh /etc/blkid.tab
...some message about pathname inaccessible or nonexistent: /etc/blkid.tab
$ ./myread.sh /etc/shadow
...some message about not being readable: /etc/shadow
$ ./myread.sh /etc/* | fgrep -c 'inaccessible'
$ ./myread.sh /etc/* | fgrep -c 'readable'
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
IndexYou need to understand Command Substitution, Shell Scripts, and Control Structures to do this.
Arguments and conditional statements if then else
, test
, and case
Create a script named absrel.sh
that accepts a single pathname argument that must be a symlink and classifies the symlink target according to whether it points to an absolute or to a relative pathname target.
The script must have exactly the following structure and use full if then else
statements and not conditional operators such as &&
# Follow this exact structure (4 IF statements, 1 CASE) for your script:
if the number of arguments is not 1, then
print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
exit the script with a status 2
if the argument is empty (empty string ""), then
print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
exit the script with status 2
# See the Notes below for a way to do this next symbolic link test:
if the argument is a not an existing symbolic link, then
Print an Error Message (on stderr) saying that the pathname 'xxx'
is not a symlink
Print a Usage Message (how to use this script) on stderr
Exit the script with status 2
Do a long listing of the pathname argument and extract the last
(rightmost) field of the output (the symbolic link target to the
right of ->). Save that symlink target output in a shell variable.
See the Notes below for hints.
# We need to make sure the listing worked and exit if it failed:
if the shell variable content is empty (empty string ""), then
Print a Good Error Message (see notes) on stderr
Exit the script with status 3
Use a CASE statement to classify the symlink target (in the variable)
according to whether it is Absolute or Relative and set another
classify variable to be used in a later echo statement. See the
Notes for hints on how to do this.
Finally, print one of these two messages on standard output:
Absolute symlink: 'xxx' -> 'target'
Relative symlink: 'xxx' -> 'target'
# Only one of the above messages should be output, and the message must
# be worded and punctuated *exactly* as shown above. The message will
# use the classify variable set in the CASE statement.
The xxx
above is whatever argument the user supplied on the command line. The target
above is the symlink target from inside the variable. The message must be worded and punctuated exactly as shown above and in the example output below.
Notes and Hints:
command has a file operator to test for a symbolic link. RTFM.awk
that can select the last field of a line piped to it on standard input.case
statement with a GLOB pattern and set a variable.missing argument
.The examples below do not show all the correct message output from the script. You must write your own error messages and Usage messages according to the Good Error Message rules.
$ ./absrel.sh >out
...error message about wrong number of arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./absrel.sh a '*' c >out
...error message about wrong number of arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./absrel.sh "" >out
...error message about empty argument prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./absrel.sh /etc/passwd >out
...error message about not being a symbolic link prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./absrel.sh '*' >out
...error message about not being a symbolic link prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ ./absrel.sh /bin/sh
Relative symlink: '/bin/sh' -> 'dash'
$ ./absrel.sh /usr/bin/vi
Absolute symlink: '/usr/bin/vi' -> '/etc/alternatives/vi'
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
wrapper script: extracting a column of inputIndexRecall in lecture that we used used the awk
program to extract the first space-delimited column of an input stream. We will develop a script named acol
(Awk COLumn) that extracts any column of input.
Review Properties of all Scripts, above.
You need to understand Shell Scripts and Control Structures to do these scripts.
IndexCreate a one-line script named acol1.sh
that uses awk
to read its standard input and extract the first column, exactly as used in the lecture notes. Example usage:
$ echo a b c | ./acol1.sh
$ date | ./acol1.sh
$ last | ./acol1.sh
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
IndexCreate a one-line script named acol2.sh
that uses awk
to read its standard input and extract the second column of input. Example usage:
$ echo a b c | ./acol2.sh
$ date | ./acol1.sh
$ last | ./acol2.sh
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
IndexCreate a one-line script named acolNF.sh
that uses awk
to read its standard input and extract the last (NF
) column of input. Example usage:
$ echo a b c | ./acolNF.sh
$ echo a b d e f g h i j | ./acolNF.sh
$ date | ./acolNF.sh
$ last | ./acolNF.sh
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
It should be clear that having a separate script for every possible number of columns is not a good thing. Let’s write one script that takes as its only argument the column number we want awk
to print.
IndexCreate a one-line script named acolnew.sh
that uses awk
to read its standard input and extract the column of input given as an argument on the command line.
This new one-line script is a very small modification of your previous one-line script; you only need to change about a half-dozen characters in the line to make it work.
Example usage:
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh 1
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh 2
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh NF
The script takes a single argument that is either a number (e.g. 1
, 2
, etc.) or the string NF
and substitutes that argument directly into the awk
command line inside the script as the column to print, instead of using the previous hard-coded number.
Hint: Instead of hard-coding the column number in the awk
command line, as you did in the above three previous scripts, use the first script argument variable instead of the hard-coded number. You will need to adjust the Quoting around the awk
command arguments to allow the shell argument variable to be expanded by the shell but still keep hidden from the shell the $
used by awk
to select the column number. You cannot use the awk
option here.
The new one-line script is a simple modification of your previous one-line script: it is still a one-line script; it does not yet do any input checking or argument processing. If you don’t supply an argument, or you pass something that awk
doesn’t understand, you will get an error from the shell or from awk
– this is expected:
# examples of errors when script or awk gets bad input:
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh
./acolnew.sh: 8: ./acolnew.sh: 1: parameter not set
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh ''
awk: { print $ }
awk: ^ syntax error
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh ' '
awk: { print $ }
awk: ^ syntax error
$ echo a b c d e f | ./acolnew.sh @
awk: { print $@ }
awk: ^ invalid char '@' in expression
If you supply more than one argument, the script won’t detect the error and will simply ignore the extra arguments – this is okay for this beginning script:
$ echo a b c | ./acolnew.sh NF these arguments after NF are ignored
This one-line script does not validate its input, so it gives cryptic errors if the argument is incorrect and it does not warn you if you give too many arguments. This is not a production-quality script. We will fix it in the next step.
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
IndexCopy acolnew.sh
to acol.sh
and add input validation to the new script.
The new script must check to make sure it has exactly one input argument and do minimal validation of that one argument before using it with awk
to print the given column number. You do not need to change the awk
line in your script at all. You only need to add input validation to the script, before calling awk
. The input validation will cause the script to exit if the input is bad, so that awk
doesn’t process bad input.
Your script should enforce the “only one argument” requirement. Print both a Good Error Message and Usage Message on stderr and exit with a bad error status if the number of arguments is not exactly one.
Also print an error and Usage and exit if the one argument is equal to the empty string (''
), or equal to a single blank character (' '
You are not required to validate that the argument is a number or the string NF
, since that kind of pattern-matching needs more advanced scripting knowledge (e.g. a shell case
statement). Don’t worry about errors from awk
due to non-digit arguments for this script (but do make sure your script itself can test and process them without errors).
$ echo a b c | ./acol.sh
...error message about wrong number of arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ echo a b c | ./acol.sh 1 2 3 a b c >out
...error message about wrong number of arguments prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ echo a b c | ./acol.sh ''
...error message about empty argument prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ echo a b c | ./acol.sh ' '
...error message about blank argument prints here...
...usage message prints here...
$ echo $?
$ echo one,two three,four | ./acol.sh 1
$ echo $?
$ echo one,two three,four | ./acol.sh NF
$ echo $?
Your script is not perfect, because it doesn’t check its argument to make sure it’s a valid number. Your script will still generate errors if the argument is not a number:
$ ./acol.sh '*' # test GLOB pattern handling
awk: { print $* } # awk errors are allowed here
awk: ^ syntax error
You do not have to check for this kind of error.
Add comments to Document Your Script.
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
OPTIONAL (advanced): If you want to make the script check for an argument that is not a number, you can use a shell
statement to GLOB match an argument containing any non-digit character and exit with an error message. Arguments that contain only digits (that do not contain any non-digits) and the special stringNF
, should pass unchanged through thecase
statement for use byawk
IndexLink acol.sh
into your personal bin/
directory using the name acol
and use it whenever you need to see just one column of data. Take your acol
script with you to your next job!
$ last | acol 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5
93 idallen
90 user1234
82 user2345
77 cst8207a
$ last | acol 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5
178 cpebc4dfbf1edc3-
129 cpe00fc8d22a843-
105 cpe84948c20bc41-
79 bas1-jockvale05-
78 bas1-ottawa01-11
Check your work so far using the checking program symlink.
That is all the tasks you need to do.
Read your CLS Linux EMail and remove any messages that may be waiting. See Reading EMail for help.
Check your work a final time using the Checking Program below and save the standard output of that program into a file as described below. Submit that file (and only that one file) to Blackboard following the directions below.
When you are done, log out of the CLS before you close your laptop or close the PuTTY window, by using the shell exit
$ exit
Add at least four comment lines (script lines starting with the comment character #
) to each script containing the following information (in any order):
4.2.1 arguments.sh
Obey these rules for your script comments:
to write messages to standard error instead of standard output.Good shell script error messages must obey these four rules:
to send to stderr any output normally destined for stdout. See the examples below.
is used on echo
statements, to send the text to standard error instead of standard output.$0
.expecting one file name
found 3 (a b c)
and their values $*
.Never say just missing argument
or illegal input
or invalid input
or too many
. Always specify what is needed and how many is “too many” or “too few”:
echo 1>&2 "$0: Expecting 3 file names; found $# ($*)"
echo 1>&2 "$0: Student age '$student_age' is not between $min_age and $max_age"
echo 1>&2 "$0: Modify days '$moddays' must be greater than zero"
echo 1>&2 "$0: File '$file' does not exist; expecting accounting file"
Put quotes around anything entered by a user, otherwise your error messages may be confusing. Compare these example messages without and with quotes around the user input file name:
$ ./total.sh still
./total.sh: File still does not exist; expecting accounting file
Usage: ./total.sh account_file
$ ./total.sh still
./total.sh: File 'still' does not exist; expecting accounting file
Usage: ./total.sh account_file
After detecting an error, the usual thing to do is print a Good Error Message explaining the error, followed by a Usage message telling how to use the script, then exit the script with a non-zero return code. Don’t keep processing bad data!
The Usage message gives the syntax for correctly using the script, using man
page syntax to indicate optional and repeated arguments, e.g.:
Usage: ./script.sh [ first_line [ last_line ] ]
Usage: ./script.sh filename...
The name of the script is output using the $0
variable. Do not hard-code the name of a script inside the script.
Summary: Do some tasks, then run the Checking Program to verify your work as you go. You can run the Checking Program as often as you want. When you have the best mark, upload the single file that is the output of the Checking Program to Blackboard.
Since I also do manual marking of student assignments, your final mark may not be the same as the mark submitted using the current version of the Checking Program. I do not guarantee that any version of the Checking Program will find all the errors in your work. Complete your assignments according to the specifications, not according to the incomplete set of the mistakes detected by the Checking Program.
There is a Checking Program named assignment11check
in the Source Directory on the CLS. You can execute this program by typing its (long) pathname into the shell as a command name:
$ ~idallen/cst8207/15f/assignment11/assignment11check | less
Create a symbolic link named check
in your Base Directory that links to the Checking Program in the Source Directory, as you did in a previous assignment. Use the symlink to check your work:
$ ./check | less
Checking only one of your scripts
Normally the Checking Program checks all the scripts. This can be slow if you are only interested in the check output for one script that you are working on. You can now check just one or more individual scripts by giving the script names as arguments to the checking program:
$ ./check arguments.sh # only check this script $ ./check acol1.sh acol2.sh # only check these scripts
Do not submit for marking the output of checking only a few scripts!
When you are done, execute the above Checking Program as a command line on the CLS. This program will check your work, assign you a mark, and display the output on your screen.
You may run the Checking Program as many times as you wish, allowing you to correct mistakes and get the best mark. Some task sections require you to finish the whole section before running the Checking Program at the end; you may not always be able to run the Checking Program successfully after every single task step.
When you are done with this assignment, and you like the mark displayed on your screen by the Checking Program, you must redirect only the standard output of the Checking Program into the text file assignment11.txt
in your Base Directory on the CLS, like this:
$ ./check >assignment11.txt
$ less assignment11.txt
file name.YOUR MARK for
(containing the output from the Checking Program) from the CLS to your local computer.
file from your local computer to the correct Assignment area on Blackboard (with the exact name) before the due date:
file from your local computer. Make sure the assignment file has the correct name on your local computer before you attach it. Attach only your assignment11.txt
file for upload. Do not attach any other file names.assignment11.txt
file on the Upload Assignment page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the Submit button to actually upload your attached assignment11.txt
file to Blackboard.Use only Attach File on the Upload Assignment page. Do not enter any text into the Text Submission or Comments boxes on Blackboard; I do not read them. Use only the Attach File section followed by the Submit button. If you need to comment on any assignment submission, send me EMail.
You can revise and upload the file more than once using the Start New button on the Review Submission History page to open a new Upload Assignment page. I only look at the most recent submission.
You must upload the file with the correct name from your local computer; you cannot correct the name as you upload it to Blackboard.
You will also see the Review Submission History page any time you already have an assignment attempt uploaded and you click on the underlined assignment11 link. You can use the Start New button on this page to re-upload your assignment as many times as you like.
You cannot delete an assignment attempt, but you can always upload a new version. I only mark the latest version.
Your instructor may also mark files in your directory in your CLS account after the due date. Leave everything there on the CLS. Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the term is over!
I do not accept any assignment submissions by EMail. Use only the Blackboard Attach File. No word processor documents. Plain Text only.
Use the exact file name given above. Upload only one single file of Linux-format plain text, not HTML, not RTF, not MSWord. No fonts, no word-processing. Linux plain text only.
No marks are awarded for submitting under the wrong assignment number or for using the wrong file name. Use the exact 16-character, lower-case name given above.
WARNING: Some inattentive students don’t read all these words. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact.