Updated: 2015-05-22 03:11 EDT

1 Overview for CentOS VMware InstallationIndexup to index

This document uses the VMware Workstation virtualization software. For a guide to installing CentOS using the free VirtualBox virtulalization software, see the VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML.

If you want to play with an easy-install desktop version of Linux, don’t do it using the system you will install in this document. This document installs a server system, not a Desktop system. A Desktop system should be something graphical and desktop-friendly such as Ubuntu or Mint. You can’t use the CentOS system in this document as a Desktop system. This document is configuring a minimal, non-GUI, server version of Linux.

1.1 Using Other Virtualization SoftwareIndexup to index

You can use any virtualization software you like to create and run this server-style CentOS virtual machine, e.g. VirtualBox, Parallels, etc., but faculty only fully support questions about VMware (and maybe a little bit of VirtualBox). It’s what we know.

It isn’t the virtualization software that’s important; it’s the running CentOS virtual machine.

I don’t recommend running CentOS directly on your hardware; you lose all the snapshot and backup features available in a Virtual Machine. Don’t do it.

2 Download CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.isoIndexup to index

We don’t recommend trying to download large software images over wireless. Find a network jack and plug in.

You can start this ISO download process and wait for it to finish while you move on to the next step to Create an Empty Virtual Machine

In this section, you will download the CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso to your machine. It must be the CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso, no other version is acceptable for this server.

You can get the CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso image from one of the following places. We recommend that you choose the first or second one if you are on campus; they are the fastest.

2.1 Download Method 1 (best): From the on-campus CSTECH Downloads FolderIndexup to index

This method only works on the Algonquin campus, using the private IP address of the CSTECH web site. Use a wired connection to download big files such as ISO images; don’t use wireless!

  1. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site at the private IP address http://cstech on campus. (This only works ON CAMPUS!)
  2. Choose any room from the left side-bar (e.g. T108). Go to Drivers and Downloads, Linux, CentOS, CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal
  3. Choose and download exactly this 355467264-byte (339MB) ISO file: CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso
  4. Also download the CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal-MD5sum.txt file containing the md5sum file checksum hash.

2.2 Download Method 2 (best): From the on-campus Course Linux ServerIndexup to index

This method only works on the Algonquin campus, using the private IP address of the Course Linux Server. Use a wired connection to download big files such as ISO images; don’t use wireless!

  1. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site at the private IP address http://cst8207-alg.idallen.ca/distributions/ on campus. (This only works ON CAMPUS!)
  2. Choose and download exactly this 355467264-byte (339MB) ISO file: CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso
  3. Also download the text file md5sum.txt file containing the md5sum file checksum hash.

2.3 Download Method 999 (worst): From the Internet (slow)Indexup to index

This is much slower than the above on-campus methods. Use this Internet method only if you have to (i.e. you are off-campus):

  1. Don’t use this method on campus – it’s much slower than the on-campus methods, above.
  2. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site http://www.centos.org/.
  3. On the bottom of the page, select the Older Versions button http://wiki.centos.org/Download.
  4. On the Download CentOS ISO images page, select the CentOS-6 i386 button http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/6/isos/i386/.
  5. Pick a nearby HTTP mirror from the list of /i386/ mirrors.
  6. In the Index of /centos/6.6/isos/i386 find the ISO named CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso to download:
  7. Choose and download exactly this 355467264-byte (339MB) ISO file: CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso
  8. Also download the md5sum.txt file containing the md5sum file checksum hashes.

3 Verify the Downloaded ISOIndexup to index

To verify the downloaded CentOS ISO, you must get a copy of the checksum file from the same CentOS folder where you found the i386 (32-bit) ISO image.

  1. Verify that you have the exact ISO file named CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso that is 355467264 bytes (339MB).

  2. To verify the download, you will need some form of checksum program that runs on your local computer that can calculate md5 or sha hashes. Unix/Linux/OSX machines already have the md5sum command available (sometimes called just md5 on OSX); you don’t need to download anything; read the man page or just run md5sum (or md5) followed by the ISO image name and compare the number with the number saved in the checksum hash file.

    For Windows users, one suggestion to use (thanks Richard!) is HashTab:

    1. Windows only: Download and install HashTab for Windows. (Unix/Linux/OSX users don’t need this program.)
    2. Copy the desired checksum hash to the clipboard (e.g. from the md5sum.txt file).
    3. Right click in the file you wish to verify, i.e. select your ISO image CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso
    4. Click Properties and then file hashes.
      • It will compare the hashes to the one(s) in your clipboard.
      • MD5 and SHA-1 are the defaults, but it can be customized to include others.
  3. Verify the checksum hash of the ISO file against the checksum hash recorded in any of the checksum files located in the same folder. (For example, open md5sum.txt and locate the checksum for your ISO file and compare it with the checksum of the ISO file you downloaded.)

Sysadmin Tip for Windows users: You can install the free Cygwin package on your own Windows laptop to get BASH and all the Unix tools for Windows, including md5sum, find, etc. MacOSX users already have most of the tools installed and available in any Terminal window.

4 Create an Empty Virtual Machine in VMwareIndexup to index

These detailed instructions are for VMware Workstation Version 10. You may use any other virtualization software you like, e.g. see the VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML, but you’re on your own if things go wrong.

In this section, you will first create an empty Linux 32bit CentOS-compatible Virtual Machine with no operating system installed. You can do this while you are waiting for your CentOS minimal CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso to download.

VMware Workstation will try to guide you into an “Easy” or automatic install; you must not do an Easy/automatic install. Do not let VMware use “Easy Install”!

  1. Start VMware on your machine. Any version of VMware since Version 8 should work. These instructions were prepared with Version 10.

  2. Choose Create a New Virtual Machine or File | New Virtual Machine.

  3. Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard:
    • Choose Typical (recommended).
    • Typical asks fewer questions than the full Custom install
    • Click Next.
  1. Guest Operating System Installation:
    • Choose: I will install the operating system later
    • “The virtual machine will be created with a blank hard disk.”
    • Do not let VMware use “Easy Install”!
    • Do not let VMware use “Easy Install”!
    • Do not let VMware use “Easy Install”!
    • Click Next.
  1. Select a Guest Operating System:
    • Chose: Linux and then Version CentOS
    • Do not choose 64 bit!
    • If the installation is asking you to create a userid for this step, then you need to start over: Do not let VMware use “Easy Install”!
    • Click Next.
  1. Name the Virtual Machine:
    • If your course and term is CST1234 and 15W, then use the name CST1234-15W-CentOS-6 (no spaces).
    • You may want to change the Location if you keep your VMware images in a different folder on your host machine, otherwise leave Location unchanged.
    • You can invent your own virtual machine name, if you prefer.
    • Click Next.
  1. Specify Disk Capacity:
    • Enter 2 GB (actually type the number 2 into the box)
    • If asked, say: Store virtual disk as a single file (Monolithic)
    • Click Next.
  1. Ready to Create Virtual Machine: confirm these important settings:

    Operating System: CentOS
    Hard Disk: 2 GB, Monolithic
    Memory: 1024 MB
    • Click Finish.
  1. Virtual Machine Created:
    • Click Close to close the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
  1. In the VMware VM | Settings | Hardware page for this virtual machine:
    1. Select the Network Adapter and under Network Connection choose NAT: Used to share the host’s IP address
    2. Select the Sound Card and un-check everything.
    3. Select the USB Controller and un-check everything.
    4. Click Save or OK.

To confirm your settings: In VMware, select menu VM | Settings to open Virtual Machine Settings and look under the Hardware tab to confirm:

Memory: 1024 MB (or 1GB)
Processors: 1
Hard Disk: 2GB
Network Adapter: NAT

In the same VM | Settings window (“Virtual Machine Settings”), go to the Options | General tab and confirm:

Guest Operating System: Linux
Version: CentOS

If you don’t see the above settings, delete this virtual machine and start over.

5 Install the CentOS 6 Operating SystemIndexup to index

After you have downloaded and verified the checksum of the 32-bit ISO file CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso, you can next follow these instructions below to install this minimal 32-bit CentOS ISO image into your empty CentOS virtual machine that you just created above.

  1. The installation software requires more memory than the running CentOS server. If you are installing or re-installing your system, set your VM Memory to 1024MB (1 GB) before you continue.

  2. Connect your downloaded and checksum-verified CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso ISO to your VMware virtual CD/DVD drive using the VM | Settings, Hardware | CD/DVD device page:
    1. On the CD/DVD device page, under Device Status check Connect at power on.
    2. On the CD/DVD device page, select radio button Use ISO image file: and browse to the location of your downloaded CentOS ISO file and select it and Open it.
    3. Select Save or OK.
  1. With the downloaded CentOS ISO connected to the CD/DVD of your virtual machine, in your VMware Workstation screen select Power on this Virtual Machine or Start up this guest operating system. You should see a blue CentOS 6 screen with the title Welcome to CentOS 6.6! and five menu entries:
CentOS 6 Welcome

CentOS 6 Welcome

  1. Put aside your mouse for the moment – the next few configuration steps must be done using the keyboard:
    1. The first menu entry Install or upgrade an existing system is the one that will be chosen as the Automatic boot when the 60-second time-out expires. You can use the keyboard Up/Down arrow keys to move the cursor up and down to stop the time-out or choose some other menu entry.
    2. Use the arrow keys to choose the first menu entry Install or upgrade an existing system and push Enter. (This will happen automatically when the 60-second time-out occurs.)
    3. Watch many Linux kernel messages stream by in black-and-white.
  1. You will see a text screen titled Welcome to CentOS for i386 containing a box titled Disc Found and asking you if you want to test the media:
CentOS 6 Disc Found

CentOS 6 Disc Found

  1. In Disc Found use the Space bar to select the OK choice. You will see another box titled Media Check.

  2. In Media Check use the Space bar to select Test. The result must be Success or else your ISO file is corrupt and needs to be removed and downloaded again.

  3. In Success use Space to select OK.
    • You will see a box saying Media ejected.
    • This is dumb. Now we have to reconnect the ISO file!
  1. Release your cursor from the virtual machine and go back to the VMware VM | Settings, Hardware | CD/DVD device page:
    1. Under the CD/DVD Device Status section check Connected.
    2. Select Save or OK.
    3. Go back to your CentOS virtual machine console.
    4. (You can also connect the CD using right-click on the CD/DVD icon in the bottom right and select Connect.)
  2. After re-connecting the CD, go back to the Media ejected box and use Space to select OK. You will see another Media Check box asking you about testing additional media. Make sure the ISO file is connected to your CD/DVD before you continue from this step.

  3. In this Media Check box, use the TAB key to select Continue and then the Space bar to activate Continue.
    1. It should say Media detected and Found local installation media and then you should see a graphical CentOS 6 screen with a Next button on it (see below).
    2. If it says Error and it can’t find the CentOS installation disc, you forgot to reconnect the ISO file to your CD/DVD device, above. Connect the ISO and try again.
    3. If you only see a blue/gray text screen saying Welcome to CentOS!, you forgot to increase the Memory to 1024MB for the installation. Power off, do that, and try again.
CentOS 6 Splash Screen

CentOS 6 Splash Screen

  1. On the CentOS 6 page, the mouse is working again. Use it or Space to select the Next button. You should see a What language page.

  2. On the What language page use the default English selection. (You may be tempted to chose your own non-English language, but if you do so your Instructor will not be able to help you with any problems. Always use the default English language.) Select Next.

  3. On the Select the appropriate keyboard page use the default U.S. English keyboard. Select Next.

  4. On the What type of devices page use the default Basic Storage Devices. Select Next.

  5. On the Storage Device Warning page select Yes, discard any data. (If you are re-installing your system, you will instead see here an At least one existing installation page that asks you to either overwrite or upgrade your existing installation. Choose appropriately.)

  6. On the Please name this computer page:
    1. For Hostname: enter your eight-character Algonquin Blackboard userid (all lower-case).
    2. Select Next.
  1. On the Please select the nearest city page:
    1. Select America/Toronto as the city for the time zone.
    2. Turn off System clock uses UTC. Un-check this box.
    3. Select Next.
  2. On the The root account page enter (twice) a root account password that you can remember. Keep it simple – this is a low-security student course machine and not a high-security bank! Select Next.

  3. On the Which type of installation page select Create Custom Layout. We are going to use a simple two-partition system instead of the default (and more complex) Logical Volume Manager layout. Select Next.

  4. On the Please Select A Device page click on the Free 2047 line then click on Create. (If you are re-installing your system, you will first need to select each existing partition and Delete it to make the free space.)
    1. On the Create Storage page use the default Standard Partition then click on Create.
    2. On the Add Partition page:
      1. Use the drop-down list for Mount Point: and select / (the ROOT).
      2. Leave the File System Type as ext4.
      3. Type 1500 into the Size (MB) box.
      4. Check Force to be a primary partition
      5. Select OK.
    3. You should now have a ROOT (/) partition of type ext4 size 1500 on sda1. Delete this partition and start over if this is not true.
  1. On the Please Select A Device page click on the Free 547 line then click on Create.
    1. On the Create Storage page use the default Standard Partition then click on Create.
    2. On the Add Partition page:
      1. Ignore the Mount Point.
      2. Change the File System Type to swap.
      3. Ignore the Size (MB) box.
      4. Check Fill to maximum allowable size
      5. Check Force to be a primary partition
      6. Select OK.
    3. You should now have a swap partition on sda2 size 547. Delete this partition and start over if this is not true.

On the Please Select A Device page, there should be no free space left:

CentOS 6 Partitions

CentOS 6 Partitions

  1. After confirming the above two partitions and sizes, on the Please Select A Device page click on Next.

  2. On the Format Warnings page click Format. This completely wipes your Linux virtual disk, not your host machine’s disk.

  3. On the Writing storage configuration to disk page click Write changes to disk.

  4. On the Install boot loader page page leave the default setting checked (Install boot loader on /dev/sda) and click Next. It should say Installation starting.

  5. You should see a progress bar saying Packages completed as exactly 204 CentOS packages are installed into the system. (If the number is not exactly 204, you are using the wrong ISO image.) The 204-package installation should take less than five minutes.

CentOS 6 Install Packages

CentOS 6 Install Packages

  1. On the Congratulations, your CentOS installation is complete page select Reboot. Some Linux kernel shutdown messages will print on the console, then the virtual machine will reboot.

  2. The system should reboot into a black login screen with the banner CentOS release 6.6 (Final) and a login prompt preceded by the hostname of the machine, similar to this:

    CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
    Kernel 2.6.32-504.el6.i686 on an i686
    abcd0001 login:

    The machine name in front of the login: prompt should be your own Blackboard userid, not abcd0001.

5.1 Verify Correct CentOS InstallationIndexup to index

  1. Log in on the black text console as the user root with the password that you remembered from the above installation.
    • If the login doesn’t work, go back and read all the words in the previous sentence, especially the words starting with the letter r.

Run the following installation verification commands. Your CentOS installation must pass all of the following verification steps:

  1. Run: hostname and verify that it prints your eight-character Blackboard userid as the machine name.

  2. In text file /etc/sysconfig/network verify that the NETWORKING variable is set to yes and the HOSTNAME variable is set to your Blackboard userid.

  3. Run: fdisk -clu and verify that your Disk /dev/sda is 2147 MB and that the disk partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 have 1,536,000 and 560,128 blocks (a block is 1024 bytes). It should look almost exactly like the following, except your machine name and Disk identifier number will differ:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# fdisk -clu
    Disk /dev/sda: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 261 cylinders, total 4194304 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00000000
       Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *      2048   3074047   1536000   83  Linux
    /dev/sda2       3074048   4194303    560128   82  Linux swap / Solaris
  4. Run: rpm -q -a | wc -l and verify that you have exactly 204 packages installed.

  5. Run: df -h and verify that your /dev/sda1 virtual disk partition mounted on / (the ROOT) has a Size of 1.5G (ignore the other sizes – they may differ slightly):

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# df -h
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda1             1.5G  578M  793M  43% /
    tmpfs                 504M     0  504M   0% /dev/shm
  6. Run: swapon -s and verify that partition /dev/sda2 is listed as an active swap partition:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# swapon -s
    Filename              Type            Size    Used    Priority
    /dev/sda2             partition       560124  0       -1
  7. In text file /etc/sysconfig/clock verify that the ZONE is set to local time zone America/Toronto

You may need to delete this virtual machine and re-install if any of the above numbers or verification steps are wrong. Redo your installation or consult with your instructor if any of the above verification commands don’t give the expected output.

Networking is not enabled on this server yet. It is a good idea to configure your system a bit before enabling networking, so we will enable networking later, after doing some configuration.

6 Snapshot your Fresh InstallationIndexup to index

Make sure your CentOS virtual machine passes the all above verify steps before saving it!

  1. Shut down your CentOS machine by typing: shutdown -h now
    • You will see some Linux kernel messages on the VMware console before the machine powers off.
    • NEVER power off a Linux machine using the VMware Power button!
    • ALWAYS safely power off a Linux machine using shutdown!
    • Ignore any warnings about VMware Tools.
  1. In the VMware VM | Settings | Hardware page for this virtual machine:
    1. Change the Memory from 1024MB down to 256MB. Say OK.
      • You will need to put Memory back up to 1024MB if you need to re-install the system from CD.
      • Keeping system memory small (e.g. 256MB) makes snapshots of running systems smaller and faster.
    2. Select the Network Adapter and under Network Connection choose NAT: Used to share the host’s IP address (You should have already done this when creating the VM.)
    3. Select the Sound Card and un-check everything. (You should have already done this when creating the VM.)
    4. Select the USB Controller and un-check everything. (You should have already done this.)
    5. Select Save or OK.
  1. Use VMware (or your virtualization software) to create a Snapshot of your new VM. In VMware use VM | Snapshot | Take snapshot…. Label the Snapshot Fresh Minimal Installation and enter a dated comment explaining how you created it and what installation parameters you used:
    1. Minimal ISO: CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso
    2. Memory 256MB
    3. Disk 2GB
    4. NAT networking (not bridged).
    5. Hostname abcd0001 (should be your Blackboard userid)
    6. Standard 204 packages
    7. No network enabled at boot time
  1. Open the VM | Snapshot | Snapshot Manager to confirm your snapshot.
    • You will have this snapshot to come back to if you ever need it.
  1. If you have taken a successful snapshot, close the snapshot manager.

7 Problems with Snapshots of Running SystemsIndexup to index

A snapshot of a running (not fully shut down) system is quick to resume if you ever need to go back to it, but a running snapshot has some potentially serious problems:

  1. Snapshots take more space if you take them when the machine is running, since the snapshot has to save all the system memory. Snapshots are smaller if you take them of a system that is powered off.

  2. Often you need to restore a snapshot and also make some VM | Settings changes. If you snapshot a running system, then you have to shut it down every time you restore it when you want to make VM | Settings changes. Better to create the snapshot of the powered-off system.

  3. A snapshot of a running system can only safely be resumed (restarted) on the system that created it, or a system running a similar CPU type. You cannot safely back-up the running snapshot files onto a different CPU type and resume it there.

    A snapshot of a running system may be useless if you try to restart it on a different computer, such as might happen if your laptop computer fails and you need to borrow another.

When possible, make your important snapshots of virtual machines that are actually powered off. You can make intermediate snapshots of running machines just before you make an important change, but you should consider deleting these temporary snapshots after you confirm that the change was successful.

8 Configure CentOSIndexup to index

References to man pages in this document will be to CentOS man pages, not CLS Ubuntu man pages. Since CentOS Linux and Ubuntu Linux are different distributions, from different vendors, they sometimes have different documentation and programs.

This configuration section assumes you are starting your configuration from the Fresh Minimal Installation snapshot from the previous section.

Before you begin, you need to understand some terms. These next few points are not action items; they are for your information; there is nothing you need to type yet. Make note of these things:

  1. When it says back up a file below, it means copy the file, preserving time and owner information, into the same directory with a .bak suffix on the file name, for example:

    $ cp -p /foo/bar /foo/bar.bak
    $ cp -p /some/path/name/file /some/path/name/file.bak
    $ cd /some/very/very/very/long/path/name ; cp -p conf conf.bak

    You may find this shell alias useful: alias cp='cp -p -i'
    but remember that aliases are not saved when the shell exits.

  2. When it says edit a file below, it means use the vi (not vim) text editor to read the original file, make some changes, and then save the file. (Don’t forget to save the changes!)
    • Servers, including this one, don’t have any other text editors.
    • Every Unix/Linux system has a basic version of vi installed.
    • You need to know how to use basic vi text editor commands to open a file, edit it, and save it.
    • The vim editor is named vi, not vim on CentOS.
    • Remember to edit the original file, not the back-up file.
  3. When it says comment out a line of text below, it means insert a comment character (usually #) at the very start (left end) of the line.
    • e.g. change the line hiddenmenu to #hiddenmenu or change the line alias rm='rm -i' to #alias rm='rm -i'
    • The comment character at the start of the line turns the whole line into a comment – something that the program reading the file will ignore.

Remember to preserve modification times on all files copied!

8.1 Boot the Fresh Minimal Installation snapshotIndexup to index

  1. Boot (power on) your Fresh Minimal Installation snapshot from the previous section. Make the configuration changes below to your Fresh Minimal Installation virtual machine.

  2. Log in as the root user on the black text console, as you did before.

  3. Review the above points A., B., and C. so that you know what back up, edit, and comment out mean.

  4. Create your alias for cp to preserve modify times so that you don’t forget: alias cp='cp -i -p'

8.2 Enable CentOS networkingIndexup to index

Networking is not yet enabled on boot. We will enable it now, so that you can connect to your CentOS system using a proper SSH connection instead of using the limited VMware system console:

  1. Run: ifconfig eth0 and make sure it displays about 5 or more lines of IP and packet information about network interface eth0. (There is a zero on the end of the interface name.)
    • If it says bash: ipconfig: command not found then fix your spelling of the Linux command name. This is not Windows.
    • If it says eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found, see Appendix: Renaming network interfaces on how to rename the interfaces to get eth0 back.
  2. Back up the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 then edit the original file and change the ONBOOT variable setting from ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes
    • Always edit the original file, not the back-up file!
    • When you are done, display the original file and make sure ONBOOT=yes
    • Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the edited original file and make sure only one line has changed:
      cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ; diff ifcfg-eth0.bak ifcfg-eth0
  3. Run: service network restart
    to enable the new networking settings.
    • See the example commands and output given below.
    • You should now see several lines including two lines for eth0:
      Bringing up interface eth0: and
      Determining IP information for eth0... done. [OK]
    • If you don’t see done, you have network connection problems: Your machine may be unable to get a DHCP IP address. See Network Diagnostics.
  4. Confirm that you have a working IP address on eth0 (see the example commands and output given below):
    1. Run: ifconfig eth0 | fgrep 'inet addr'
      and see one line of output containing your system local IP address (your inet addr).
    2. Write down this local IP address; you will need it shortly.
    3. Run: ip route | fgrep 'default'
      and see one line of output containing your default gateway IP address.
    4. Run: ping -c 1X.X.X.X
      where X.X.X.X is your default gateway IP address.
    5. Look for 0% packet loss. (This may not work if you are using Bridged networking on-campus at Algonquin College because the ITS department blocks ping.)
    6. If you don’t see 0% packet loss, you have network connection problems. See Network Diagnostics.

Sample output for the above commands is given below – your hostname and CentOS local IP addresses (write it down) will differ:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# fgrep 'ONBOOT' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

[root@abcd0001 ~]# service network restart
Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]
Bringing up loopback interface:                            [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0:
Determining IP information for eth0... done.               [  OK  ]

[root@abcd0001 ~]# ifconfig eth0 | fgrep 'inet addr'
     inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# ip route | fgrep 'default'
default via dev eth0

[root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.78 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 2ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.780/1.780/1.780/0.000 ms

Make sure the ping shows 0% packet loss (unless you are at Algonquin College, using Bridged networking, and ping is being blocked by ITS, sorry).

Did you write down your CentOS local IP address (not your default gateway address)? You will need it later.

If your virtual machine is using bridged networking instead of the recommended NAT networking, then the IP address of your CentOS virtual machine may change depending on the network of your host O/S. If you use bridged networking, you will need to use service network restart and ifconfig to restart your network every time you resume your VM or the network of your host O/S changes. Using NAT networking, the CentOS local IP address should be stable and this restart and reconfiguration shouldn’t be necessary.

8.3 Setting the SSH login bannerIndexup to index

You will remember that when you log in to the CLS using the SSH protocol, you first see a banner announcing COURSE LINUX SERVER. We will enable a similar banner for our CentOS virtual system, so that we know to which machine we are connecting:

  1. Back up the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config then edit the original file:
    • Find the line containing #Banner (It’s around line 129 in the file.)
    • This line is commented out with # at the start; it does nothing.
    • Un-comment this line: remove the comment # from the line.
    • Change the file name from Banner none to: Banner /etc/issue.net
    • Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the edited original file and make sure only one line has changed:
      diff /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • Make sure the line does not start with the comment character.
  2. Restart your CentOS SSH service to use the new banner: service sshd restart

  3. Using the commands below, verify that an SSH connection shows the new banner by using the ssh command in CentOS to connect to the loopback localhost address of your CentOS VM:
    • You may be asked to accept the new connection: say yes
    • Verify that you see the SSH banner: CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
    • You don’t need to log in, so just use ^C to interrupt the root password prompt:
[root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh localhost
The authenticity of host 'localhost (::1)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 1d:1c:b2:7e:fe:b9:87:e8:89:71:bf:dd:ca:31:49:3b.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
root@localhost's password: ^C

[root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh localhost
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
root@localhost's password: ^C

Whenever you attempt to connect to your CentOS virtual machine using SSH, make sure you see the above banner text. If you don’t see the banner, you are not connecting to the right IP address!

Feel free to edit the file /etc/issue.net to contain any text that you would like to see as a banner. You might delete the Kernel line and replace it with something of your own, e.g. Hello Linux People!

8.4 Use an SSH connection instead of the consoleIndexup to index

These SSH instructions below are for VMware users. If you are using VirtualBox virtulalization software, see the section “Using SSH to connect to your VirtualBox VM” in VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML.

The VMware console that we have been using has very limited functionality. You can’t resize it, change the console colour, or font size, or copy and paste text into it easily from your host machine. Instead of using this console to work on the machine, we will do what most system administrators do and connect to the machine using a terminal program of our choice and the standard SSH protocol. CentOS already has the SSH programs installed and running that enable us to do this; we verified that in the previous section where we set the login banner.

To connect to your CentOS virtual machine using the SSH protocol, users with a Windows host O/S might choose to run the PuTTY terminal program (as you do when connecting to the CLS); users with a Linux or MacOSX host O/S will use a standard terminal and the ssh command.

Sometimes the networking set-up on your host operating system does not permit you to connect to the network addresses of your virtual machines. You may have a firewall setting that blocks access. If that is true, the following won’t work and you’ll have to consult the manual for your host operating system on how to enable network access to the IP addresses of your virtual machines.

  1. In your host operating system (not in the CentOS guest OS), run a terminal program that will let your create an SSH remote connection:
    • Run the PuTTY program from a Windows host machine, or use a terminal and the ssh program from a MacOSX or Linux host O/S.
    • Review the instructions on how to do a Remote Login to the Course Linux Server, but do not use the CLS IP information.
    • Create and save a new SSH connection using the CentOS local IP address that you wrote down in the previous step.
    • Do not use your CLS IP address! Use your CentOS IP address!
    • When you start your session, make sure you are connecting to your CentOS local IP address, not to the CLS.
    • You must see the CentOS release 6.6 (Final) banner text before you enter your login userid.
    • If you see the COURSE LINUX SERVER banner, stop! Do not try to log in as root to the CLS; you will be locked out!
    • Use your terminal program to log in to your CentOS IP address (not the CLS) as root using your root password.
    • Make sure you see the CentOS release 6.6 (Final) banner before you log in with your root userid!
    • If you use PuTTY, save your new settings for your CentOS connection. Do not overwrite your CLS settings.
    • If you are using bridged instead of the recommended NAT networking, you will have to keep changing the saved CentOS IP address to match the address shown by ifconfig in CentOS. If you use NAT networking, this shouldn’t be a problem.
  2. Once you are logged in to your own CentOS machine, type who and see that root is logged in once on a VMware system console (tty1) and once remotely via an SSH pseudo-terminal (pts/0).

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# who
    root     tty1         Nov  2 08:26
    root     pts/0        Nov  2 08:33 (
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# tty

I recommend using the SSH connection for all sysadmin work (including the rest of this document). Do not use the crappy VMware console. Note that, unlike using the system console, SSH network connections do not survive across a VM Pause or Suspend. All SSH sessions active when you pause or suspend your VM will be disconnected. Save and exit your editors that are running over SSH before you suspend.

8.5 Install the man commandIndexup to index

This system has manual pages, but no man command to view them:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# which man
/usr/bin/which: no man in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
[root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis man
man: /usr/share/man

Use the yum install command to fetch information about the man package, and then we will install it:

  1. As root run: yum info man
  1. Confirm that yum shows Name : man under Available Packages.
    • If you see man under Installed Packages, you have already installed it.
  1. Run: yum install man and when it asks Is this ok [y/N]: answer with y (yes) and Enter.
    • The first time you do this, yum will also ask you to import a GPG CentOS 6 Official Signing Key. Answer with y (yes).
    • Some dependency packages and updates will also be selected for download along with man.
    • The installation will print Complete! when it finishes.
  2. Make sure which man and whereis man and man man now work:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# which man
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis man
    man: /usr/bin/man /etc/man.config /usr/share/man /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# man man

8.6 Install the mail commandIndexup to index

Servers often need to email status messages to humans. We need to use the yum install command to fetch and install an email client program package named mailx:

  1. As root run: yum info mailx
  1. Confirm that yum shows Name : mailx under Available Packages.
    • If you see mailx under Installed Packages, you have already installed it.
  1. Run: yum install mailx and when it asks Is this ok [y/N]: answer with y (yes) and Enter.
    • The first time you do this, yum will also ask you to import a GPG CentOS 6 Official Signing Key. Answer with y (yes).
    • The installation will print Complete! when it finishes.
  1. After installation, make sure that mail -V (upper case!) prints a version number (the number may differ, depending on which version of CentOS is installed):

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# mail -V
    12.4 7/29/08

The mailx package installs some symbolic links so that the command mail actually runs the mailx program:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /bin/mail*
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     22 Mar  9 22:16 /bin/mail -> /etc/alternatives/mail
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 369440 Aug  1  2013 /bin/mailx
[root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Mar  9 22:16 /etc/alternatives/mail -> /bin/mailx

Also man mail gives you the same man page as man mailx (again using more symlinks):

[root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis mail mailx
mailx: /bin/mail /etc/mail.rc /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz
mailx: /bin/mailx /usr/share/man/man1/mailx.1.gz
[root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 31 Mar  9 22:16 /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz -> /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man
[root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 30 Mar  9 22:16 /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man -> /usr/share/man/man1/mailx.1.gz

8.7 Install the full version of the vim editorIndexup to index

Your CentOS Minimal Installation comes with a minimal (they call it Small) version of the vim text editor named vi that is missing many features and help files:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# vi --version | fgrep 'version'
Small version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
[root@abcd0001 ~]# vimtutor
-bash: vimtutor: command not found

We want the full version, with help files and tutorials. As root, download and install the full (they call it Huge) version of vim as follows:

  1. As root run: yum info vim-enhanced
  1. Confirm that yum shows Name : vim-enhanced under Available Packages.
    • If you see vim-enhanced under Installed Packages, you have already installed it.
  1. Run: yum install vim-enhanced and when it asks Is this ok [y/N]: answer with y (yes) and Enter.
    • The first time you do this, yum will also ask you to import a GPG CentOS 6 Official Signing Key. Answer with y (yes).
    • You will note under Installing for dependencies a list of other packages on which the full version of VIM depends. All this software also has to be downloaded and installed with VIM, including the Perl interpreter and some libraries.
    • Downloading all the software will take a minute or two.
    • The installation will print Complete! when it finishes.
  1. After successful download and installation, start the newly-installed full version of VIM by typing vim (not vi) and note that this is the Huge version:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# vi --version | fgrep 'version'
    Small version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# vim --version | fgrep 'version'
    Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# which vimtutor
  1. The programs vi and vim are different in CentOS!
    • You may find some accounts come with an alias: alias vi=vim
    • In which system directory is the minimal (Small) vi program found?
    • In which system directory is full (Huge) enhanced vim program found?
    • What system command makes it easy to answer the above two questions?

8.8 Remove confusing and dangerous root aliasesIndexup to index

CentOS has provided the root account with some personal shell aliases that change the behaviour of some important commands and this is a bad idea. Type alias and you will see some aliases similar to these:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# alias
alias cp='cp -i'
alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -l --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias which='alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot --show-tilde'

The aliases for ls and which are harmless, but the options added in the aliases for cp, mv, and rm change the behaviour of these commands significantly. (What do those options do? RTFM for each command.)

On real servers, the root account is often shared among several sysadmin, and so you must be very careful what aliases you define in the root account. Commands must work exactly as expected, not the way aliases might change them to work. We will remove these dangerous aliases from our root account:

Note that the HOME directory for the root account is under /root, not under /home with all the other accounts.

  1. Back up the file /root/.bashrc (preserve the modify time) then edit the original file:
    1. Remove or comment out the alias for rm.
    2. Remove or comment out the alias for cp.
    3. Remove or comment out the alias for mv.
    4. Insert this line at the top (beginning) of the file:
      [ -z "${PS1-}" ] && return # exit if not interactive
  2. In addition to making the above essential changes, you might also optionally add unalias -a to the end of the file to make sure that no misleading aliases are defined for the root account.
    • Add this unalias line at the bottom (end) of the .bashrc, after all the existing lines in the file.
  3. You might add alias cp='cp -i -p' to the bottom of the file, since we use it so often, especially as root.
    • This is a useful and common alias, safe even for a root account.
  4. Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only a few lines have changed.

  5. Run a loopback SSH network test of true, a command that doesn’t generate any output, to make sure the new .bashrc doesn’t generate any output or errors:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh localhost true
    CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
    Kernel \r on an \m
    root@localhost's password: 
    [root@abcd0001 ~]#

    Make sure there is no output after you type your root password.

    (If you don’t see the CentOS release 6.6 (Final) login banner, you missed Setting the SSH login banner, above.)

Keep your own personal aliases in your own account and source them when you need them as root. Do NOT put many of your personal aliases into the root account itself.

Log out of your VM and then log back in. Type alias and make sure all the dangerous aliases are gone. Keep the aliases in the root account to the bare minimum.

8.9 Enable shell HistoryIndexup to index

Shell command line history for is important to a sysadmin. It’s one way of knowing what commands were typed and remembering how to do things without having to look them up again.

Although the shell is saving its history upon exit, the history from different shells is not being merged, so history can be lost if you run more than one shell, e.g. multiple windows or multiple logins. Also, history is not being saved until a shell exits, which means you can also lose history if a shell is killed prematurely.

We could fix these history issues just for the root user, using the root .bashrc start-up file, but then we would also have to fix it for our own sysadmin account (that we will create later), and for any other accounts we might create. Instead we are going to make changes to the system-wide bash shell initialization so that all users on the system receive these benefits, not just root.

The comments at the start of /etc/profile suggest that we should create a custom.sh file and install it in the /etc/profile.d directory:

  1. Put these lines into the new file /etc/profile.d/custom.sh on your CentOS machine:

    # keep a lot of shell history in memory and in the history file
    export HISTSIZE=9000
    export HISTFILESIZE=99000
    # keep time stamps on each entry
    # update history file after every command (not just on exit)
    export PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'
    # useful history-related bash options: use one-line and append
    shopt -s cmdhist
    shopt -s histappend

    This new file will be sourced by every user when they log in.

  2. Run source /etc/profile.d/custom.sh to source the new file to set up the history in the current shell. Make sure you see no output and no errors!

  3. After sourcing the file, print the changed history variables to confirm:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# source /etc/profile.d/custom.sh
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# printenv | fgrep 'HIST'
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$PROMPT_COMMAND"
    history -a
  4. Check that the verification commands you just typed into the shell, above, are appearing at the bottom (end) of the root BASH history file, .bash_history, in the HOME directory of the root account.
    • Use a command that shows you the last few lines of a text file.
    • Recall, as mentioned earlier, that the HOME directory of the root account is not under the usual /home directory.
  5. Log out. Log back in. Verify that the same history variables have been changed, and that your history file is being updated after every command you type.

8.10 Enable loopback address for your machine nameIndexup to index

The file /etc/hosts usually contains a local copy of the name of the current machine, paired with the loopback IP address. CentOS is missing this, which means you can’t ping your own host name:

[root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$HOSTNAME"
[root@abcd0001 ~]# ping "$HOSTNAME"
ping: unknown host abcd0001
  1. Back up the file /etc/hosts then edit the original file and add your machine’s host name by adding the line abcd0001 where abcd0001 is replaced by your machine’s host name (which must be the same name as your Blackboard userid):

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4   abcd0001
    ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

    Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed.

  2. Confirm that you can now ping your own machine name with zero packet loss:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$HOSTNAME"
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 "$HOSTNAME"
    PING abcd0001 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from abcd0001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms
    --- abcd0001 ping statistics ---
    1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.072/0.072/0.072/0.000 ms

The name abcd0001 above must be your machine’s name, not abcd0001. Your machine name must be the same name as your Blackboard userid.

8.11 Enable Internet Time using NTP and ntpdIndexup to index

The system time is not being synchronized with the Internet. We need to use the yum install command to fetch and install the Network Time Protocol (NTP) package named ntp with its time daemon named ntpd:

  1. As root run: yum info ntp
    • The NTP package is named ntp; the NTP daemon is named ntpd.
    • The first time you do this, yum will download some package lists before it answers the info query.
    • If yum cannot connect to the Internet, see Network Diagnostics.
    • If yum seems to hang for a long time, see Appendix: What to do if yum doesn’t work.
  1. Confirm that yum shows Name : ntp under Available Packages.
    • If you see ntp under Installed Packages, you have already installed it.
  1. Run: yum install ntp and when it asks Is this ok [y/N]: answer with y (yes) and Enter.
    • The first time you do this, yum will also ask you to import a GPG CentOS 6 Official Signing Key. Answer with y (yes).
    • The installation will print Complete! when it finishes.
  1. Back up the file /etc/ntp.conf then edit the original file to add the line tinker panic 0 on its own line just above the driftfile line.
    • Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the one line changed.
    • This line tells the ntpd program that it can always change the clock value, no matter how far off it is. Normally the ntpd daemon refuses to change a clock value that is more than 1,000 seconds wrong.
    • This doesn’t always work, and sometimes NTP can’t synchronize your clock inside some versions of VMware or under some host operating systems. Sometimes, installing the VMware Tools package can mitigate this problem; more on that later.
  2. Run: chkconfig --list ntpd (and note the spelling of the service name ntpd). You will see one line indicating that the ntpd time daemon is turned off in every Run Level.

  3. Run: chkconfig ntpd on (again note the spelling of ntpd).

  4. Run: chkconfig --list ntpd (again note the spelling of ntpd). You will see one line indicating that the ntpd time daemon is now turned on in Run Levels 2 through 5:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# chkconfig --list ntpd
    ntpd      0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
  5. Run: service ntpd start and you should see one line saying Starting ntpd: [OK]. (If you already started ntpd, you won’t see the [OK].)

  6. Run: tail /var/log/messages or fgrep 'ntpd' /var/log/messages and confirm that there are several log entries for ntpd saying Listen normally. If you see errors, fix them and run service ntpd restart to restart ntpd.

  7. If all goes well, ntpd starting up will have reset your system clock to the correct time. (Run the date command and see.) The log file might say something like clock_step +14398.864481s indicating a time change of (for example) 14398 seconds. If nothing happened, try waiting 5–10 minutes and see if the time updates. You can perform the other edits below while you wait for this to happen. Continue reading:

  8. Installing NTP doesn’t always work to keep your system time updated, and sometimes NTP can’t synchronize your clock inside some versions of VMware or under some host operating systems. Sometimes, installing the VMware Tools package can mitigate this problem; more on that later.

Even with ntpd running, the system may take 5-10 minutes to re-synchronize its time after a VM Pause, Suspend, or reboot. (Earlier versions of CentOS were faster at time synchronization.) Servers in the real world are not paused, suspended, or rebooted as often as at school.

Installing VMware Tools will often help with getting the time right after a VM pause or suspend. VMware Tools will be installed in a separate document, later.

8.12 Disable SELinuxIndexup to index

Security Enabled Linux is turned on, which can cause many problems for novice Linux users. On a real server, we would leave it enabled. You will learn SELinux configuration in later Linux courses.

  1. Back up the file /etc/sysconfig/selinux then edit the original file and change the SELINUX variable setting from SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled.
    • Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the one line changed.
  2. We won’t check to see that this works until after the next reboot.

8.13 Disable GRUB Pretty BootIndexup to index

The system boot messages are being hidden by a pretty but unhelpful CentOS graphics “splash” screen. The screen covers up many useful system messages at boot time. As a sysadmin, you want to see all the boot messages.

  1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following edit. If you damage lines in this GRUB configuration file, your machine may not boot at all. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and reconfigure.

  2. Back up the file /boot/grub/grub.conf then edit the original file:
    1. Change the value of the timeout from 5 to 30.
    2. Comment out the hiddenmenu line to make the GRUB menu visible on boot. (Insert a single # comment character in front of hiddenmenu so that it looks like #hiddenmenu and will be ignored.)
    3. Remove the two words rhgb quiet from the far right end of the very long kernel line to get rid of the silly CentOS animated graphics screen. (Make sure you don’t accidentally break this line into pieces. Keep it one long line.)
    4. The resulting file should be two words smaller than the back-up file:

      [root@abcd0001 ~]# wc -lw /boot/grub/grub.conf*
        17   82 /boot/grub/grub.conf
        17   84 /boot/grub/grub.conf.bak
    5. Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed.

  3. You will know if your edits are accurate at the next reboot, coming up in the next section. If the reboot fails, restore back to your temporary snapshot and try the edit again.

  4. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made.

8.14 Verify Correct CentOS ConfigurationIndexup to index

Having made all the above configuration changes, your CentOS configuration must pass all of the following verification steps after you reboot it:

  1. Safely shut down and reboot the system using: shutdown -r now
    • If you are using a remote SSH connection, you will be disconnected.
    • You will see some Linux kernel messages on the VMware console before the machine restarts.
    • NEVER reboot a Linux machine using the VMware Power button!
    • ALWAYS reboot a Linux machine using shutdown!
    • As the machine reboots, open up the VMware system console and verify that you now see the full GRUB boot menu (image below).
  2. Verify the new GNU GRUB boot menu (image below):
    1. The GNU GRUB menu should now be visible (not hidden) – see the image below.
    2. In 30 seconds the menu will time out and boot the highlighted kernel menu entry (usually the first one), or you can push the Enter key to boot it immediately. If you don’t see the GRUB menu, you forgot to edit the GRUB configuration file above (or your edits were wrong). Try again.
CentOS 6 GRUB Menu

CentOS 6 GRUB Menu

  1. After the boot, when the machine is up and running, log in on the console again (or, better, use an ssh or PuTTY connection to the CentOS local IP address) and log in as the user root so you can run some verification commands.

  2. Run alias and make sure the root account has no dangerous aliases.

  3. Check that the commands you just typed, above, are appearing at the bottom (end) of the root BASH history file and that the history environment variables set in the root .bashrc are all set in the current shell.

  4. Run: free and verify that you have a total Memory of about 256MB, e.g. approximately 248836KB.
    • If you have more than about 256MB, you forgot to change the VMware Memory settings for this VM. Shut CentOS down safely with shutdown and fix the VM Hardware Memory settings and reboot.
  5. Run the selinuxenabled command followed by echo "$?" to display the command exit status variable contents. The status must be 1 (indicating failure – SELinux should not be enabled). If you see zero, you forgot to disable SELINUX above. Try again.

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# selinuxenabled ; echo $?
  6. In file /etc/sysconfig/clock verify that the ZONE variable is set to a local Ontario city time zone (not New York).

  7. Run: pgrep -l ntpd and verify that the output is one line (a process number and the word ntpd). If you don’t see anything, you forgot to enable NTP above. Try again.

  8. Look at the first ten lines of /etc/ntp.conf and verify that you find the tinker panic 0 line you added.

  9. Search for the word ONBOOT in file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and verify that its value is set to yes.

  10. Run: ifconfig eth0 and verify that its inet addr: has an IP address listed.
    • If you logged in successfully using an SSH connection, you already know networking is working!
  11. Run: ip route and verify that you have a default via route listed for dev eth0. (This default is your gateway IP address.)

  12. Examine file /etc/resolv.conf and verify that there is at least onenameserver line in the file. (It will probably be the same IP as the gateway IP.)

  13. Confirm that you can ping your own machine name with zero packet loss and that your host name resolves to the IP loopback address

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 "$HOSTNAME"
    PING abcd0001 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from abcd0001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms
    --- abcd0001 ping statistics ---
    1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.072/0.072/0.072/0.000 ms
  14. Make sure the man command works: man --version

  15. Make sure the mail command is installed: mail -V

  16. Make sure the full Huge version of VIM is installed: vim --version

  17. Run: rpm -q -a | wc -l and verify that you have exactly 220 packages installed.
    • Do not install in this CentoS virtual machine any packages other than those specified in these instructions and your assignments.
    • Servers have very strict control over which packages are permitted to be installed. Fewer packages means fewer problems.

Consult with your instructor if any of the above verification steps fail. Sometimes you can recover a missed configuration step without starting over from scratch.

8.15 Install VMware ToolsIndexup to index

These Tools instructions below are for VMware users. If you are using VirtualBox virtulalization software, see the section “Install VirtualBox Guest Additions” in VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML.

  1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following installation. If you mis-install the VMware tools, un-installing it may be difficult. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and reconfigure.

  2. Follow this link to Install VMware Tools and confirm that the installation worked. If you have problems or make mistakes, restore back to the temporary snapshot and try again.

  3. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made.

With the addition of the library needed by VMware Tools, your CentOS VM should have exactly 221 packages installed:

$ rpm -q -a | wc -l

8.16 Creating a System Administrator AccountIndexup to index

In this section you will create your own system administration account on your CentOS VM. This personal account can be customized for you, including your own aliases and shell options (things you should not set in the root account). All work is done on your CentOS Virtual Machine.

Do not add extensive customization to the root account on a system, since such customization may not suit all root users of the system and may break automated programs that need to become the root user.

8.16.1 Review of key commands usedIndexup to index

  • Remember that a character used in your shell prompt indicates whether or not the current shell is running as the root user. For an interactive root shell, your shell prompt includes the # character that indicates root privileges. Ordinary users get the $ character in the prompt.

  • The CentOS useradd command creates a new account, storing information about the account in the /etc/passwd file and about the account groups in the /etc/group file. It also can create a HOME directory for the account and places standard start-up files into it.

  • The passwd command sets a password for an account, storing the password in the shadow password file named /etc/shadow. An account cannot be used until a password has been set.

  • Recall that man pages often list options with both GNU long-form syntax using double dashes, e.g. --comment, and old short-form syntax using single dashes, e.g. -c, for the same option. The long-form syntax is easier to understand, but the short-form syntax is easier to type. Use whichever syntax you prefer.

8.16.2 Before creating the sysadmin accountIndexup to index

  1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following installation. If you mis-install the new account, un-installing it may be difficult. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and restart.

  2. If necessary, login to your CentOS Virtual Machine as the root user (the only user). (We recommend using an SSH connection to your VM rather than working on the VMware console.)

  3. Do the following reading (no typing) in the CentOS man useradd manual page:
    1. Read the SYNOPSIS syntax and note where the new LOGIN name must always be used on the useradd command line. (It’s always the last thing on the command line; don’t put it anywhere else!)
    2. Read about the --comment option and following argument used to define your full name. The (quoted) full name argument must immediately follow the --comment option argument on the command line. See below.
    3. Read about the Red Hat --system system account option (-r) and how using it will require you to use the --create-home option (-m) as well. Remember that.
      • The uid field for a system account will be less than the value of UID_MIN found in the login.defs file. Look up the numeric value for UID_MIN in the login.defs file; you will need that number later.
    4. Read about the --create-home option (-m). You must use this when creating your system account.
    5. You will need to use all three of the above options correctly. Do NOT place anything between the --comment option and the quoted full name string that must follow it.

8.16.3 Create the sysadmin accountIndexup to index

  1. Following the SYNOPSIS syntax given in the useradd man page, create a command line to add a new system account with the following settings (three options will be needed as well as the new LOGIN name):
    1. COMMENT: The comment option must be the exact text used for the fifth field of your own account line in /etc/passwd on the CLS:
      • The fifth field in /etc/passwd is called the GECOS field or user’s name or comment field.
      • The text you must copy and paste from the CLS and use as a comment field on CentOS is in the form: “Firstname Lastname - CST1234-15W-NNN” where CST1234 is your course number, Firstname and Lastname are your name and NNN is your own three-digit lab section number.
      • Warning: Prevent the spaces in this comment field from being seen by the shell!
      • Copy and paste all this information from your GECOS entry in the CLS password file to be the (quoted) argument immediately following the --comment option on the useradd command line.
    2. Use the option to make sure the account is created as a system account. (System accounts have no password expiry.)
    3. Use the option to create the HOME directory at the same time. (This option is required when you create a system account.)
    4. LOGIN: Use your eight-character College/Blackboard/CLS username as the name of the new account to be created. As mentioned earlier, pay strict attention to where this userid must appear on the useradd command line!
  2. After creating your account with useradd, verify it:
    1. Search for the newly created account line in the password file:
      • Make sure it has the correct GECOS/comment/name field that should be a copy of the same field on the CLS.
    2. Run id abcd0001 where abcd0001 is your new account name.
      • To be a system account, the userid number for the account must be less than UID_MIN that you remember from the login.defs file, above. Verify that the uid and gid are less than UID_MIN, indicating a system account.
    3. Make sure the newly created account also has a HOME directory created in the file system.
      • Note that some default hidden files have been put into the HOME directory, copied from the directory /etc/skel. (As system admin, you could put custom files in the /etc/skel directory that would be given to all newly created accounts. We don’t do that in this course.)
  3. Test your new sysadmin account from your current root shell:
    1. Run the command line su --login abcd0001 where abcd0001 is your new account name.
      • No password will be required when run from root
      • This will start a login subshell with your account privileges.
      • You should see no error messages.
      • The id command should tell you that you are using your new sysadmin account and groups.
      • The pwd command should show your HOME directory in the usual place.
      • Fix any errors before you continue.
    2. Exit the su subshell, which will return you to your root login shell, with the # prompt character.
  4. If you didn’t succeed in creating your sysadmin account and HOME directory correctly, with the correct comment (GECOS) and correct uid field values, you may restore your snapshot and try again, or delete the account using userdel -r and try again.

8.16.4 Set permissions on the sysadmin account HOME directoryIndexup to index

  1. After having successfully created your sysadmin account, adjust the permissions of the new account HOME directory, if necessary, as follows:
    1. Set the permissions (mode) of the new HOME directory for your new account such that:
      • The owner (that is, you) can do everything
      • The group can search but not read or write
      • Other users can do nothing (no permissions)
    2. You will need a particular option to ls to show the permissions of a directory instead of the permissions of everything inside the directory.

8.16.5 Set password for sysadmin accountIndexup to index

  1. Before you can log in, you must (as root) set a password for your new sysadmin account, as follows:
    1. Review the section “Choose a hard-to-guess password” in the CentOS man passwd.
    2. Assign your new sysadmin account a strong password that you can remember.
      • Make sure you assign the password to the new account; do not change your root account password.
      • Warning: If you do not type the username argument to the password command, you are changing the password of the account that you are signed in with (i.e. the root account!). Do not change your root password! Change the password of your new syadmin non-root account.

8.16.6 Test the sysadmin accountIndexup to index

  1. Test your new sysadmin account using a loopback login via localhost (see the example commands and output given below):
    1. Run: ssh abcd0001@localhost
      where abcd0001 is your new account name.
    2. Say yes to accept the new host key, if asked.
    3. Enter your new sysadmin account password.
      • If the password doesn’t work, you probably changed the root password by mistake in an earlier step. Fix it and try again.
    4. Upon success, you will be logged in through the network as your sysadmin account through the SSH daemon and the localhost loopback connetion.
    5. The id command should tell you that you are using your new sysadmin account and groups.
    6. The pwd command should show your HOME directory in the usual place.
    7. Type who to see who is logged in. Your new account should be there.
    8. Exit this sysadmin login session to return to your root login. (Your prompt should again show the # character as root.)

    Sample output for the above commands is given below – your hostname and account name should be your userid:

    [root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh abcd0001@localhost
    CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
    Kernel \r on an \m
    abcd0001@localhost's password: 
    Last login: Sun Nov  2 15:51:40 2014 from localhost
    [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ id
    uid=498(abcd0001) gid=498(abcd0001) groups=498(abcd0001)
    [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ pwd
    [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ who
    root     pts/0        Nov  2 14:44 (
    abcd0001 pts/1        Nov  2 15:58 (localhost)
    [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ exit
    Connection to localhost closed.
    [root@abcd0001 ~]# 

8.16.7 Customize the sysadmin account and clean upIndexup to index

  1. Customize your new sysadmin account:
    1. Log in as your new sysadmin account, either directly or using su (as you did above).
    2. Type alias and note that the account has some aliases defined in it, set using system configuration files under /etc/profile.d.
    3. Copy your settings from the CLS and edit your own .bashrc to undo aliases that you don’t want and have only the alias, options, and settings that you do want.
  2. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made.

This concludes the creation of your own personal sysadmin account.

8.17 Enable sudo and the wheel groupIndexup to index

Logging in to a machine as root is not recommended. Many servers actually disable direct login by the root user; you have to log in as the sysadmin user and then use su or sudo to run root commands.

You can already use the su account to become the root user, using the root password. We will now enable our sysadmin account to use the sudo command by enabling the wheel group and adding our account to that group.

  1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following installation.

  2. If necessary, login to your CentOS Virtual Machine as the root user. (We recommend using an SSH connection to your VM rather than working on the VMware console.)

  3. Enable sudo to use the existing wheel group, as follows:
    1. Use a command to search for all lines containing the word wheel in the file /etc/sudoers and redirect those lines into the new file /etc/sudoers.d/wheel
    2. The new wheel file should contain 3 lines, 19 words, 108 characters. Display the file: all three lines are commented out.
    3. Edit the new wheel file and remove the comment and the space that follows it from the second line in the file. The second line should now be: %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
    4. Save the file and exit the editor when the second line is correct.
    5. The edited wheel file should contain 3 lines, 18 words, 106 characters: exactly one word less and two characters less than the unedited file.
  4. Enable your new sysadmin account to be a member of the wheel group, as follows:
    1. Run this command (as root): gpasswd -a abcd0001 wheel where abcd0001 is replaced by your sysadmin account userid.
    2. If it works, you will see: Adding user abcd0001 to group wheel
    3. Search for the group wheel line in the system group file /etc/group and confirm that your userid is on that line.
  5. Test that your sysadmin accound can use sudo now:
    1. As you did earlier to test your sysadmin account, use the same su command line and options to start a login subshell running as your sysadmin (non-root) account.
    2. Your prompt in this unprivileged subshell will change from # to $.
    3. Confirm that id shows your sysadmin uid and gid and that you now have a wheel group listed as one of your groups.
    4. In this subshell, as your sysadmin account (not root), type: sudo id
      • You will be prompted for your own password (not the root password).
      • Enter your own password (not the root password).
      • The id command should be run as the root user and show zeroes for the uid and gid.
    5. Immediately re-run the same sudo id command line, and note that you don’t have to type the password this time. The sudo command remembers your password for a few minutes so that you don’t have to keep typing it for multiple sudo commands.
  6. Exit your account subshell and return to the root shell.

  7. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made.

This concludes the enabling of sudo for your own personal sysadmin account.

Your sysadmin account can now run any privileged commands as the root user using sudo. To enhance the security of the system, we could now safely disable the root account password so that no direct root logins would be possible, but we won’t do that just yet since students often forget their sysadmin account passwords and need to use the root account to reset them.

8.18 Update all system packagesIndexup to index

The system has been installed mostly from the original distribution CD, so it needs to have updates downloaded and installed from the Internet.

We don’t recommend trying to download large software images over wireless. Find a network jack and plug in.

  1. Run: yum check-update
    • It will show a list of packages that need updating.
  2. Run (avoid wireless): yum update
    • Say yes.
    • Many packages will be downloaded and updated.

If the list of updates installed includes the linux kernel package, you should safely shut down and reboot the system using: shutdown -r now to install the new kernel. This is only necessary if you updated the linux kernel package. After reboot, you will need to re-install VMware Tools for the new kernel.

The system updates may mean that you now have a few more than the original 221 installed packages.

9 Snapshot your Configured InstallationIndexup to index

Make sure your CentOS virtual machine passes the all above verification steps before saving it!

  1. To avoid all the resume problems mentioned earlier, you may want to shut down your machine before taking a major snapshot.

  2. Use VMware (or your virtualization software) to create a power-off Snapshot of your new Configured Installation VM.
    1. Safely shut down and power off your machine, so that you don’t have to save the system memory as part of the snapshot. (Always use the correct Linux shutdown command line, not the VMware power buttons!)
    2. Label the Snapshot Configured Installation
    3. Enter a dated comment explaining how you created it and what configuration changes you made (above) from the previous snapshot. Enter one line of comment for every configuration change you made, above. (You can mostly copy-and-paste the Table of Contents of this web page!)
  3. Use VM | Snapshot | Snapshot Manager to confirm your snapshot.
    • You will have this snapshot to come back to if you ever need it.
  4. You can delete any intermediate snapshots that you don’t need, leaving only the Fresh Minimal Installation and the Configured Installation.

CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot

CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot

This ends the initial Installation and Configuration of a minimal server-style CentOS system. The next Appendix sections explain some important things to know about your new virtual server.

10 Appendix: Suspending and Shutting Down SafelyIndexup to index

You can either Pause, Suspend, or Shut Down (power off) your VM as follows:

10.1 PausingIndexup to index

The VMware Pause button simply stops the virtual machine from using much CPU. It doesn’t save any state or allow you to close VMware; the virtual machine is still fully loaded into host O/S memory.

All network and SSH connections will be disconnected when you Pause the machine. Save your work before you Pause.

10.2 SuspendingIndexup to index

VMware Suspend is the fastest way to save your machine state so that you can close VMware or reboot your host O/S. The current state of the machine, including all the system memory, is saved to disk and then the VM is stopped. Most times you will want to suspend your Virtual Machine so that you can resume it quickly where you left off:

  1. Save any work you are doing over a remote SSH connection.
    • All network and SSH connections will be disconnected during a Suspend.
  2. Go to VM and Power and choose Suspend
  3. Wait until VMware fully saves the state of the machine to disk.
  4. You may now safely close VMware and then shut down or reboot your host O/S, as needed.
  5. You can’t change most VMware settings on a suspended machine, since the machine is still considered “active”.

10.3 ResumingIndexup to index

When you resume your Virtual Machine after a Suspend, if you use bridged networking, you may need to refresh the network settings for your new network location by running (as root or with sudo): service network restart and your CentOS local IP address may change as a result.

10.4 Safely Shutting Down (Power Off)Indexup to index

If you need to reconfigure most parts of the VMware Virtual Machine that is running your Linux server, you need to fully shut down the running virtual machine before VMware will let you change the VMware settings. (Suspending won’t work, since the machine is still active.) Here’s how to safely shut down any running Linux system, virtual or not:

  1. Log in as root (or login in as a user and then become root or use sudo, if you have disabled root logins)
  2. Save any work you are doing in the virtual machine.
  3. As root run: shutdown -h now
    • You can also schedule a shutdown at a later time; see the man page.
  4. Wait until the Virtual Machine fully shuts down and stops.
  5. You may now change VMware settings or safely close VMware, and then shut down or reboot your host O/S, as needed.

10.5 Safely Rebooting a running systemIndexup to index

Again, don’t use the VMware power buttons to reboot a system. Use the Linux commands:

  1. Log in as root (or login in as a user and then become root or use sudo, if you have disabled root logins)
  2. Save any work you are doing in the virtual machine.
  3. As root run: shutdown -r now
    • You can also schedule a reboot at a later time; see the man page.
  4. The system will shut down and then reboot itself.

11 Appendix: Switching Consoles with ALT+F2Indexup to index

Most Linux machines running in multi-user mode (not single-user) allow you to have multiple system consoles active by typing ALT+F2 (hold down ALT and simultaneously push Function Key 2) to switch to the second console, ALT+F3 to the next one, etc. The default, first, console is of course ALT+F1. This only works on console terminals, including VMware console terminals, not on remote login sessions.

Multiple consoles allow you to multi-task and have multiple “windows” on the system console without all the overhead of a graphical user interface.

When you log out of a server console, make sure you check all the alternate consoles and log them out, too! Don’t leave an open root login session active when you walk away from the machine console!

You can’t do ALT+F2 inside a PuTTY or SSH session, but there are programs such as tmux and screen that let you do that type of multiple console interface and much, much more.

12 Appendix: What to do if yum doesn’t workIndexup to index

This Appendix is only necessary if you find that the yum installer hangs or does not work. If yum hangs or fails, do these steps until it works:

  1. If ^C (Ctrl-C) will not interrupt the hung yum command, use ^Z to STOP the yum command and then kill %yum to kill it. (If that doesn’t kill it, use kill -9 %yum)
    1. Another way to kill a hung yum session is to switch to a second console (e.g. ALT-F2), log in as root, find the process ID of the hung yum process, use kill to send that process ID a SIGTERM or SIGKILL termination signal, then switch back to the first console again.
  2. Make sure your host operating system is not using wireless. Change your host O/S to use a wired connection and disable your wireless so that it is not used. (Never use wireless if wires are available!)
  3. As root type: service network restart and try yum again.
    • You can try to ping hosts, but Algonquin College blocks most ICMP traffic so it may not work as a diagnostic tool.
  4. If yum still hangs on the wired network, kill yum again (see above) and then try:
    1. Go to VM | Settings and Hardware and Network Adapter
    2. Change your networking from Bridged to NAT or from NAT to Bridged
    3. Save the new settings.
    4. Run: service network restart and try yum again.

When yum finally works, you may need to accept a security key: say yes

13 Appendix: Configure the local Time ZoneIndexup to index

Use this section if the system time zone file is not correct for your time zone.

  1. Run: tzselect and answer the questions to find the correct full name of the Eastern Time – Ontario time zone assigned to variable TZ.
    • Hint: The name is two words separated by a slash, and has the name Toronto in it.
    • Ignore the advice about your .profile file – you are the sysadmin of this machine and you are setting the system time zone, not an individual user’s time zone.
    • Write down the value assigned to the TZ= variable.
  2. Back up the file /etc/sysconfig/clock then edit the original file to change the ZONE variable to ZONE="XXX/YYY" where XXX/YYY is the name of the time zone you just discovered using tzselect, above. (The word Toronto is in this name.) Include the double quotes around the variable assignment.
    • Use the diff command to compare the back-up file with the edited original file and make sure only one line has changed:
      diff /etc/sysconfig/clock.bak /etc/sysconfig/clock
  3. Run the tzdata-update command. This will use the above ZONE information to copy the correct time zone information file from under directory /usr/share/zoneinfo/ to the file /etc/localtime

14 Appendix: Renaming Network Interfaces: eth0, eth1Indexup to index

If ifconfig eth0 says eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found, here’s how to fix it. (There is a zero on the end of the interface name.)

If you have moved, cloned, or copied your CentOS virtual machine to another system, you may find that networking is not using the eth0 interface but is using eth1 (or some other name) instead.

  1. Find out what your current interface name is, using one of these:
    1. ip link list
      • Look for the highest numbered eth?
    2. netstat -ia
      • Look for the highest numbered eth?
    3. dmesg | fgrep 'eth'
      • Look for renamed network interface eth0 to eth?
    4. fgrep 'renamed' /var/log/messages
      • Look for renamed network interface eth0 to eth?

Usually the new interface name will be eth1, but it could be a larger number such as eth2, etc. If you only see eth0 in this above output, you don’t need to rename anything. Don’t go any further in this section; your interface has the correct eth0 name.

In the examples below, we will assume eth1 is the new interface, but you should use the actual number found in the above step.

Look at the text file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and make sure the file contains a SUBSYSTEM device line with a NAME= that is not eth0. If the file only contains a line with eth0 in it, you don’t need to rename anything. Don’t go any further in this section; your interface has the correct eth0 name.

This file remembers the interface names and their MAC addresses. Your new copy/clone/moved VM has a new MAC address for its Ethernet interface, so CentOS gave it a new interface name eth1 (or larger) instead of using the old eth0 line with the old MAC address.

Your job is to delete the old eth0 interface line and change the name of the line with the new MAC address to be eth0 from its current eth1:

  1. Back up the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

  2. Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules as follows:
    1. Delete the old PCI device line containing NAME="eth0"
    2. Edit the line containing the new MAC address and NAME="eth1" and change the new eth1 to be the old eth0
    3. Write down the new MAC address from the ATTR(address)== field.
  3. Back up the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

  4. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as follows:
    1. On the HWADDR line replace the old MAC address with the new one.
    2. (You might also simply delete or comment-out the HWADDR line so that future MAC address changes don’t cause more failure.)
  5. Safely shut down and reboot your machine. Networking should be configured normally using eth0 again.
    • If ifconfig eth0 still says Device not found, you renamed the wrong interface name. Go back and try again.

15 Appendix: VMware bugsIndexup to index

There are several critical Windows VMware bugs that trigger when installing Linux. Many seem related to using VMware on an AMD processor instead of an Intel processor, or using VMware on a base O/S that is not plain Windows 7 or 8. Some suggested fixes are listed below.

The mobile device requirements for the CST program specify that you must have Intel hardware and run Windows 7 or 8 as a base operating system. Students running other hardware or software are responsible for fixing their own problems. Problems related to using the wrong hardware and software aren’t usually accepted as reasons for assignment extensions, but if you encounter any of these bugs, please contact your professor for a possible extension to your CentOS assignments.

  1. Your VM says “not enough memory” when you try to run it. VMware says to read this: http://blogs.vmware.com/workstation/2014/10/workstation-10-issue-recent-microsoft-windows-8-1-update.html

  2. When you boot Linux you see detecting hardware followed by a long pause and then BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck. This has been seen on AMD hardware. See below for possible solutions.

  3. When you boot Linux you see lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions followed by a long pause followed by a kernel traceback related to ipv6 networking. Sometimes changing networks (moving to a different room) or rebooting Windows fixes the problem. This has been seen on AMD hardware. See below for possible solutions.

  4. When you try to restart your sshd service, it fails. If you run ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /tmp/junk it fails with rsa_generate_private_key: key generation failed. This was seen in Centos 6.6 in VMware 8 on Windows 8 with an AMD processor. See below for possible solutions.

  5. You see software virtualization is incompatible with long mode on this platform when you start your VM. Is this only on AMD hardware? See below for possible solutions.

15.1 Possible SolutionsIndexup to index

Students with hardware or software that don’t meet CST program requirements are responsible for fixing their own problems. The correct solution to avoid these bugs is to run the required CST program Intel hardware and Windows 7 or 8 base O/S. Failing that, these fixes below have worked for some students:

16 Appendix: Document Revision HistoryIndexup to index

| Ian! D. Allen  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
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