Shell Script Control Structures – if, then, else, elif, test, [...], shift, while, do, done, case, esac

Ian! D. Allen –

Winter 2017 - January to April 2017 - Updated 2019-04-09 02:13 EDT

1 Control Structures / Control StatementsIndexup to index

Control structures (also called control statements) are lines you can place in a shell script to change the order that the shell executes the command lines in the shell script.

This file explains how these statements might be useful.

Reference: Chapter 7. Conditional statements

1.1 Humans see and act on error messagesIndexup to index

Shell scripts are files of command lines that by default execute one-by-one from the first line of the file to the last line. If a human were to run the lines in a shell script by typing them into a shell manually, s/he might notice that a line failed, and thus would not proceed to do the other lines in the script.

Let’s use this three-line example shell script called

$ cat
mkdir foo
cd foo
date >date.txt

If these lines were typed by a human, it might look like this:

$ mkdir foo
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘foo’: File exists

At this point, the human would stop. The human would not go on to type cd foo or any of the following commands, because the human notices the error of the failed command and does not proceed.

The mkdir command itself quietly returns a non-zero integer Command Exit Status when it fails, though you as a human don’t care about that because you can’t normally see it and you can read the error message.

1.2 Shell programs don’t see or act on error messagesIndexup to index

A non-human shell program (such as /bin/sh or /bin/bash) reading the same three-line shell script would run all the commands in the script one after the other, even though the mkdir command failed on line 1. The shell program is not a human and it doesn’t see or care about the error. The cd command on line 2 of the script would also fail, and then the date would be written into the current (wrong) directory, not into the new foo directory:

$ sh -u
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘foo’: File exists 2: cd: can't cd to foo

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 idallen idallen  0 Nov 19 15:25 foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 idallen idallen 32 Nov 19 15:26
-rw-r--r-- 1 idallen idallen 29 Nov 19 15:26 date.txt

1.3 Control Structures affect which commands executeIndexup to index

Control structures (also called flow control statements) are lines you can place in shell scripts to change the order that the shell executes the command lines, so that the shell can do things such as avoid some commands when things go wrong.

Other control structures let the shell loop (repeat) a list of commands multiple times, allowing the script to operate on multiple command line arguments or until some exit status is satisfied. More on loops later.

1.4 Adding an if statement to check the return codeIndexup to index

Here is the same script as above, rewritten with an added if control structure that checks the Command Exit Status of the mkdir and only does the other two commands if the mkdir was successful (has an exit status of zero):

$ cat
if mkdir foo ; then
    cd foo
    date >date.txt
echo "This script is done."

The if control statement in the script file runs the mkdir command and checks its return code. If the return code is good (zero), the shell runs the two indented statements between the then and the closing fi that ends the if statement. If the exit status is bad (non-zero), the shell skips the two statements in the file by moving to the fi line and does not run them.

The if statement automatically checks the return code of the mkdir command without printing the code on your screen. The if statement doesn’t need to print the return status; it simply tests it and acts on it. (You can use echo $? to see a previous return code.)

If we run this new version of the script, the shell does not execute the two commands inside the if statement if the if statement detects that the mkdir fails (with a non-zero exit code):

$ sh -u
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘foo’: File exists
This script is done.

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 idallen idallen  0 Nov 19 15:25 foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 idallen idallen 81 Nov 19 15:36

The shell does not print the return status of the commands it executes. If you want to actually see the return status of a command, you need to have the shell echo the value of the $? variable right after running the command. (Remember that using echo this way will change the exit status! Save the status if you need it after the echo.)

2 Branch Conditional Shell Control Structures – if, then, else, fiIndexup to index

Unix/Linux shells are designed to find and run commands. This means that the programming control structures of shells look at the Command Exit Status values of running commands. (Most other programming language control structures use mathematical expressions, not running commands.)

A basic shell control structure is a branch statement that chooses which list of commands to run based on the success/failure of a command return code.

2.1 The simple ifthenfi branch statement (no else)Indexup to index

The simplest control structure is the if statement that checks the return status of a command (or a list of commands) and only runs another command (or list of commands) if the return status of the original command is successful (zero):

if testing_command_list ; then

The testing_comamnd_list is executed, and the return status is tested, then:

After the shell keyword if comes a testing_command_list, not an arithmetic or logical expression as would be found in most programming languages. The shell executes commands; it does not do arithmetic.

Here are some examples of what these simple if statements might look like inside shell scripts:

#!/bin/sh -u
if mkdir foo ; then
    cd foo
    date >date.txt

#!/bin/sh -u
if fgrep "$1" /etc/passwd ; then     # search for first script argument
    echo "I found $1 in file /etc/passwd"

#!/bin/sh -u
if who | fgrep "idallen" ; then
    echo "idallen is online"
    echo "Hello Ian" | write idallen

Things to notice about the syntax of this control structure:

Always write if statements using the above form in this course.

2.2 Negating/inverting a command exit status using exclamation mark !Indexup to index

Any single command’s return status may be logically negated/inverted (turn success to failure or failure to success) by preceding the command name with an exclamation mark:

$ cd
$ echo $?

$ ! cd
$ echo $?

$ rm nosuchfile
rm: cannot remove ‘nosuchfile’: No such file or directory
$ echo $?

$ ! rm nosuchfile
rm: cannot remove ‘nosuchfile’: No such file or directory
$ echo $?

Inverting the exit status of a command is useful in an if statement when you want to execute some commands when a command fails, not when it succeeds. The syntax is to precede the command name with an exclamation mark to invert the return status:

if ! single_command ; then
    nonzero_command_list      # list executes on command FAILURE, not SUCCESS

For example, the same mkdir script used above could be rewritten as shown below, so that the indented commands in the if statement execute when the mkdir command fails, not when it succeeds:

if ! mkdir foo ; then         # note use of ! to invert mkdir exit status
    echo "$0: mkdir foo failed"
    exit 1
cd foo
date >date.txt

The leading exclamation mark ! above turns a failure exit status from mkdir into a success status (and vice-versa) for the if statement.

The leading ! means that when mkdir fails, the non-zero exit status is inverted to a zero exit status and the nonzero_command_list executes and the script prints a failure message and exits.

Conversely, the leading ! means that when mkdir succeeds, the zero exit status is inverted to a non-zero exit status and the nonzero_command_list is not executed. The script does not exit and it continues after the fi line with the cd and date commands.

2.2.1 Inverting an exit status hides the exit status valueIndexup to index

Inverting the exit status of a command that has different types of non-zero exit statuses (such as the grep and fgrep commands) will hide the difference between the exit statuses – all types of non-zero exit status will be inverted to the same success exit status (zero):

$ fgrep "nosuchstring" /etc/passwd
$ echo $?
1                                     # exit status 1 means "string not found"

$ fgrep "nosuchstring" nosuchfile
fgrep: nosuchfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
2                                     # exit status 2 means "error in pathname"

$ ! fgrep "nosuchstring" /etc/passwd
$ echo $?
0                                     # exit status 1 inverts to zero

$ ! fgrep "nosuchstring" nosuchfile
fgrep: nosuchfile: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
0                                     # exit status 2 also inverts to zero

Do not invert an exit status if you need to use it later or if you need to know the difference between different exit statuses:

if ! fgrep "nosuchstring" nosuchfile ; then
    echo "fgrep failed with exit status $?"  # WRONG: PRINTS ZERO EXIT STATUS!

The above message always prints “exit status 0” on command failure, since the leading ! always logically negates/inverts a non-zero exit code to a zero exit code that is then placed in the $? variable.

2.3 The two-part ifthenelsefi branch statementIndexup to index

We can include an else clause inside the if statement that will contain commands to run if the testing_command_list fails (has a non-zero exit status). This gives the shell a choice of which commands to run:

if testing_command_list ; then

The testing_comamnd_list is executed, and the return status is tested, then:

After the shell keyword if comes a testing_command_list, not an arithmetic or logical expression as would be found in most programming languages. If the exit status of the command list is zero (success), the zero branch of the if is taken, otherwise a non-zero exit status causes the non-zero branch to be taken. There are always exactly two branches: zero, and non-zero, and only the commands in one of the branches will execute, never both.

Here are some examples of what these if-else statements might look like inside shell scripts:

#!/bin/sh -u
if mkdir foo ; then
    cd foo
    date >date.txt
    echo 1>&2 "$0: Cannot create the foo directory; nothing done."
    exit 1         # exit the script non-zero (failure)
echo "This script is done."

#!/bin/sh -u
if fgrep "$1" /etc/passwd ; then    # search for first script argument
    state='found'                   # set variable indicating success
    state='did not find'            # set variable indicating failure
echo "I $state the text '$1' in the file /etc/passwd"   # use the variable

Things to notice about the syntax of this control structure:

Always write if-else statements using the above form in this course.

2.4 Using ifelse instead of ! to preserve the exit statusIndexup to index

If you want to know the exact non-zero exit status of a command, you can’t use ! in front of the command to negate/invert the status to zero:

if ! fgrep "nosuchstring" nosuchfile ; then
    echo "fgrep failed with exit status $?"       # WRONG: ALWAYS ZERO EXIT STATUS!

You can use an if-else syntax to preserve the exit code for use in $?:

if fgrep "nosuchstring" nosuchfile ; then
    :                                             # do nothing on success
    echo "fgrep failed with exit status $?"       # show correct $? exit status
    exit 1

The shell built-in command : (also called true) does nothing.

2.5 Nested if statements: if statements inside other if statementsIndexup to index

Often a shell script needs to test the return code of a command used in one of the branches of an if statement. For example:

#!/bin/sh -u
# First try: search for first argument in passwd file
# Second try : search for first argument in group file
if fgrep "$1" /etc/passwd ; then
    echo "I found '$1' in file /etc/passwd"
    if fgrep "$1" /etc/group ; then
        echo "I found '$1' in file /etc/group"
        echo "I did not find '$1' in /etc/passwd or /etc/group"
        echo "Please try again"
echo "This script is done."

A nested if statement is an if or if-else statement that is contained inside one of the two branches of an outer if-else statement, as shown the example above. We inserted another complete if-else statement in the nonzero_command_list branch of the outer if statement. The second if-else statement searches for the first command line argument in the /etc/group file, but it only does the search if the argument was not found in the /etc/passwd file.

We can nest another if/else statement into the script:

#!/bin/sh -u
# First try: search for first argument in passwd file
# Second try : search for first argument in group file
# Third try : search for first argument in networks file
if fgrep "$1" /etc/passwd ; then
    echo "I found '$1' in file /etc/passwd"
    if fgrep "$1" /etc/group ; then
        echo "I found '$1' in file /etc/group"
        if fgrep "$1" /etc/networks ; then
            echo "I found '$1' in file /etc/networks"
            echo "I did not find '$1' in passwd, group, or networks"
            echo "Please try again"
echo "This script is done."

You can nest control statements as much as you like, though deeply nested structures can be hard to read and understand. Keep things simple!

3 Using correct indentation in shell scriptsIndexup to index

Pay careful attention to the indentation that makes the statement easier to read for humans inside shell scripts. The shell itself doesn’t care about indentation, but humans do when reading the scripts. At the shell command line, you can dispense with the indentation and type an if/else statement all on one line, if you like:

$ if mkdir foo ; then echo OK ; else echo BAD ; fi

Don’t do the above one-line if statements inside shell scripts! Space out the statements using proper indentation inside scripts, and don’t put multiple commands on the same line:

#!/bin/sh -u
# Using correct indentation is essential inside shell scripts
if mkdir foo ; then
    echo OK
    echo BAD

Use comments lines to explain what your script is doing.

4 The test helper program – file tests, string tests, and integer expressionsIndexup to index

Despite the command-oriented nature of the Unix/Linux shell, people often want shell scripts to make conditional decisions based on things that do not directly involve running commands:

Since shell if statements can only act on the exit status of a command (or command list), we need a helper command to do the comparison work and set an exit status if we want to do any of the above three kinds of tests.

In this course, we will follow the traditional shell syntax for doing the above three types of tests using a helper command named test to do the tests for us. This traditional syntax works in all Bourne-style shells, at least back to 1972 or so. (Recent Bourne-style shells have added syntax to allow arithmetic expressions to directly follow the if keywords; but, this is not universal and not all shells can do this.)

The test helper command accepts blank-separated arguments to be tested or compared. It sets its own return code and exits depending on whether or not the supplied test comparison succeeded (exit zero) or not (exit non-zero).

4.1 Simple example: testing if a pathname is a file with -fIndexup to index

Here is the test helper program being used to test to see if pathnames /bin/bash and then /bin/nosuchfile are existing files:

$ test -f "/bin/bash"
$ echo $?
0                                     # zero means success (is a file)

$ test -f "/bin/nosuchfile"
$ echo $?
1                                     # non-zero means failure (is not a file)

The test command normally has no output, unless something goes wrong. Because test only sets an exit status, it doesn’t print anything on your screen. It only sets its return code, based on the tests you ask it to do. You can use echo to make the invisible exit status of test visible at the command line, by displaying the command exit status left in shell’s $? variable, as in the examples above.

You can use the test command in an if conditional control structure and check its return status just as you would use any other command:

$ cat
#!/bin/sh -u
if test -f "$1" ; then
    echo "File '$1' is a file"
    ls -l "$1"
    echo "'$1' is not a file"

Running the above script:

$ ./ /bin/bash
File '/bin/bash' is a file
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1037464 Aug 31  2015 /bin/bash

$ ./ /bin/nosuchfile
'/bin/nosuchfile' is not a file

In the example above, the test program silently tests to see if the pathname argument given as the first script argument is an existing file. If it is, test returns a successful (zero) exit status and the success half of the if statement is executed; otherwise, test returns failure (non-zero) and the failure half of the if statement is executed. The test program itself has no output; it only sets a return code.

Critical section: There is a small period of time between the testing of the existence of the filename and the use of the filename, and someone could, in theory, remove the file in between the testing and the using, causing ls to give an error. This is unlikely to happen, but it’s not impossible. You must be wary of these possible faults in your programming logic.

4.2 Some versions of the test command are built-in to the shellIndexup to index

The test program has a large number of tests and operations it can do that are essential in control statements in shell scripts. Because it is used so often and is so important, many shells (including the bash, dash, and Ubuntu sh shells) have a built-in version of test that is documented in the manual page for the shell.

The shell built-in test may be slightly different from the external one documented in the test manual page. See the manual page for your sh shell for the most accurate documentation. The test command used by sh scripts under modern versions of Ubuntu Linux is the one in the dash shell manual page: see man sh

See the test documentation for the full list of things this command can do. We will concentrate on a few key tests.

4.3 Three main categories of tests: pathname, string, numericIndexup to index

The test helper command has three main categories of things it can test:

  1. test pathname properties, e.g. test -f
  2. test and compare strings, e.g. test -z
  3. compare integers, e.g. test 4 -lt 9

Some key examples from each category follow.

4.4 Using test to test pathname properties, e.g. test -fIndexup to index

You can test most any property or attribute pertaining to an object in the file system. These tests are commonly used:

test -e "pathname"        # true if pathname exists (any kind of path)
test -f "pathname"        # true if pathname is a file
test -d "pathname"        # true if pathname is a directory
test -r "pathname"        # true if pathname is readable
test -w "pathname"        # true if pathname is writable
test -x "pathname"        # true if pathname is executable
test -s "pathname"        # true if pathname has size larger than zero

All the pathname tests also fail if the pathname does not exist or is not accessible (because some directory prevents access to the pathname).

Here is a script example that tests if its first argument is accessible and is a file:

#!/bin/sh -u
if test -f "$1" ; then
    echo "Pathname '$1' is an accessible file"
    echo "Pathname '$1' is inaccessible, missing, nor not a file"

See the manual page for other less common types of pathname tests.

4.5 Using test to compare text strings, e.g. test -zIndexup to index

Since the shell if keyword must be followed by a command name, to compare strings we must execute the test helper command to do the string comparison for us. The test helper command will do the comparison of the strings given on its command line and set its return status depending on the result of the comparison:

test -z "$1"         # true if length of argument $1 is zero (empty string)
test -n "$1"         # true if length of argument $1 is not zero
test "$1" = "foo"    # true if argument $1 and foo are the same strings
test "$1" != "foo"   # true if argument $1 and foo are not the same strings

Here is an example that tests if the first script argument is the text string --help:

#!/bin/sh -u
if test "$1" = '--help' ; then
    echo "Usage: $0 [pathname]"
    exit 3

To compare if a string is empty, remember to put double quotes around variable expansions:

#!/bin/sh -u
if test -z "$1" ; then
    echo "The first argument is an empty string."
if test "$1" = '' ; then
    echo "The first argument is an empty string."

#!/bin/sh -u
if test -n "$1" ; then
    echo "The first argument is NOT an empty string."
if test "$1" != '' ; then
    echo "The first argument is NOT an empty string."

Always surround variables with double quotes!

4.6 Warning: a single argument to test is a non-empty string testIndexup to index

WARNING: Any time the test program is given exactly one argument, it assumes the argument is preceded by -n and it tests the single argument for a non-empty string, so these are all equivalent:

test "$1"               # true if length of argument $1 is not zero
test -n "$1"            # true if length of argument $1 is not zero
test "$1" != ''         # true if length of argument $1 is not zero

Because it is not an error to forget to use -n, this single-argument default to the -n string test is the cause of many shell programming mistakes. In the example below, the command does not do what it looks like it does at first glance; it does not test equality between two strings:

test "abc"="def"        # success because "abc=def" is one non-empty string argument!

If you use the above test expression in a script, it is a one-argument test -n command, not a three-argument string comparison!

test -n "abc=def"       # success because "abc=def" is one non-empty string argument!

The resulting exit status will always be zero (success) because the single argument abc=def given to test is not an empty string!

The correct way to test string equality is to add blanks around the equals sign to make sure the test command sees three separate arguments:

test "abc" = "def"      # correct way to test if string1 is not equal to string2

Make sure you surround all test operators with blanks on both sides so that the test command sees separate arguments, or else everything will look like a one-argument string test and will always succeed:

test "abc"="def"        # WRONG! missing blank - always succeeds (exit zero)
test -f/dev/null        # WRONG! missing blank - always succeeds (exit zero)
test -s/dev/null        # WRONG! missing blank - always succeeds (exit zero)
test -z"abc"            # WRONG! missing blank - always succeeds (exit zero)

4.7 Using test to compare integer numbers, e.g. -eqIndexup to index

Since the shell if keyword must be followed by a command name, to compare numbers we must execute the test helper command to do the numeric comparison for us. The test helper command will do the numeric comparison of numbers given on its command line and set its return status depending on the result of the comparison.

The test helper program can compare integers using one of six comparison operators. There are only six possible combinations for comparing two integer numbers n1 and n2:

test n1 -eq n2          # true if n1 and n2 are the same numeric value
test n1 -ne n2          # true if n1 and n2 are not the same numeric value
test n1 -lt n2          # true if n1 is less than n2
test n1 -le n2          # true if n1 is less than or equal to n2
test n1 -gt n2          # true if n1 is greater than n2
test n1 -ge n2          # true if n1 is greater than or equal to n2

The test helper does not traditionally use the familiar mathematical operators for these comparisons. The test helper uses -gt rather than the more familiar > because the > character is used for redirection by the shell and it would have to be quoted to be hidden from the shell and seen by test.

Example use of a numeric test on the number of command line arguments:

if test $# -ne 2 ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: Expecting two arguments; found $# ($*)"
    exit 1

These six numeric test operators only work on integers, not empty strings, letters, or other non-digits. If you try to compare a non-integer with one of these six operators, test issues an error message. The error message is slightly different depending on which shell is reading your shell script:

sh$ test 1 -eq a
sh: 1: test: Illegal number: a

bash$ test 1 -eq a
bash: test: a: integer expression expected

bash$ test 1 -eq ""
bash: test: : integer expression expected

Boolean Logic Warning: Note that the opposite of the condition “less than” (<) is “greater than or equal to” (>=), not “greater than” (>). Don’t make this common logic mistake!

Syntax Warning: If you forget to use the -gt syntax and use something familiar such as test 1 > 2, the shell redirection syntax will create an empty file named 2 and then run test 1 whose result (a one-argument test command) will always be successful. Don’t do that!

4.8 Comparing strings is not the same as comparing integersIndexup to index

Comparing numbers and comparing strings do not always give the same results:

test 0 = 00                           # fails because s1 not equal to s2
test 0 -eq 00                         # succeeds because zero equals zero

test 0 = " 0 "                        # fails because s1 not equal to s2
test 0 -eq " 0 "                      # succeeds because zero equals zero

You will often see people use a string equality test on two numbers in shell scripts, where the correct test should be the numeric equality test:

if test $# = 0 ; then ...             # should use -eq for numbers
if test $# -eq 0 ; then ...           # always use use -eq for numbers

In most cases, the results are the same, but be careful of cases where the strings may differ but the numbers may be equal. To be safe, always use one of the numeric comparison operators for integers.

4.9 Combining test expressions using logical AND -a and OR -oIndexup to index

You can test more than one thing in a test helper expression by separating each test expression using -o for logical OR and -a for logical AND:

test -f "path" -a -s "path"          # true if path is a file AND path is not empty
test -d "path" -o -f "path"          # true if path is a directory OR path is a file

Remember that each test expression on either side of the AND or the OR must be a complete and valid test expression:

test "$1" = 'dog' -o "$1" = 'cat'    # correct use of two expressions separated by -o
test "$1" = 'dog' -o 'cat'           # WRONG - second expression is always true

The last line, above is the OR of these two test expressions:

test "$1" = 'dog'
test 'cat'

The last expression – a single-argument test expression – is always true because the argument is not an empty string, so the logical OR of the above two expressions is also always true, which is probably not what you want.

4.9.1 AND has higher precedence than ORIndexup to index

When both AND and OR are present, the -a AND operator has higher precedence than the -o OR operator. (You can think of AND as being similar to multiplication and OR being similar to addition in precedence.)

4.9.2 Parentheses and operator precedence in test expressionsIndexup to index

You can create more complex combinations of AND and OR logic by using parentheses for grouping, but you must hide the parentheses from the shell using quoting.

Example A: The following logic succeeds if the path is not empty and is either a directory or a file:

# Example A - note the quoting of the parentheses
test -s "path" -a \( -d "path" -o -f "path" \)

Without parentheses, the conjunction -a AND operator has precedence (binds more tightly) than the disjunction -o OR operator. The Example A expression above, when used without parentheses, has a completely different meaning because logical -a AND binds more tightly than logical -o OR.

Example B: The expressions below are equivalent (and are not the same as the Example A expression above);

# Example B - same - logical -a binds before -o
test -s "path" -a -d "path" -o -f "path"
test \( -s "path" -a -d "path" \) -o -f "path"    # same as above

The above Example B means “succeed if path is not empty and is a directory, OR succeed if path is a file”. Without parentheses, the file could be empty, which was not true in Example A that used parentheses to group the -o expressions together.

You can always use parentheses to make sure your logic binds the way you intend, instead of relying on default precedence.

4.10 Negating/Inverting test expressions using exclamation mark !Indexup to index

You can negate/invert the exit status of any test expression by inserting an exclamation point at the start of the test expression, e.g.

test ! -e "pathname"        # true if pathname does *not* exist
test ! -w "pathname"        # true if pathname does *not* exist or is *not* writable
test ! -s "pathname"        # true if pathname does *not* exist or has size zero

The ! negation operator applies only to the single closest expression, not to the whole expression:

test ! -f path -o -d path           # if path is not a file OR if path is a directory

In programming terms, the negation ! operator has highest precedence over all the other Boolean operators. If you want to negate an entire expression, you have to put the expression in parentheses:

test ! \( -f path -o -d path \)     # if path is not a file or directory

You can always use parentheses to make sure your logic binds the way you intend, instead of relying on default precedence.

4.11 Two ways of negating/Inverting test expressionsIndexup to index

Negating a test expression using the exclamation mark ! may sometimes have the same effect as using an exclamation mark at the start of the whole testing_command_list to negate the whole test command (as shown above), but negating a single test expression applies just to that expression in the test command, not to the exit status of the whole test command.

These next two ways of negating (inverting) the exit status of a single test expression are the same. The first negation is done by the test command on the single expression; the second negation is done by the shell on the exit status of the test command:

if test ! -e "path" ; then ...      # true if pathname does *not* exist
if ! test -e "path" ; then ...      # same as above; done by shell

In shell programming, we prefer the first syntax, with the negation happening inside the test expression. We rarely negate the entire test command (as in the second example, above). Use the first syntax.

4.11.1 Negating compound test expressionsIndexup to index

These complex negations below are not equivalent, since the second one negates the entire test exit code (both expressions) and not just the first expression as in the first line:

if test ! -e "path" -o -d "path" ; then ...    # only one expression is negated
if ! test -e "path" -o -d "path" ; then ...    # WRONG!  NOT THE SAME !

The second statement above is technically a negation of a disjunction (OR), so we need to call upon De Morgan’s Law to see what it really means:

4.11.2 De Morgan’s LawsIndexup to index

If you know De Morgan’s laws, then you know that a negation of a disjunction (OR) is the same as a conjunction (AND) of the negations (and vice-versa), so these two lines are equivalent:

if ! test -e "path" -o -d "path" ; then ...
if test ! -e "path" -a ! -d "path" ; then ...

The deMorgan logic transform of the first statement above into the second statement above looks like this, where A is -e "path" and B is -d "path":

if not test (A or B) ; then
if test (not A and not B) ; then                   # deMorgan !(A or B) --> (!A and !B)

These are also equivalent statements, with the first one being simpler and easier to understand:

if test ! -e "path" -o -d "path" ; then ...    # only one expression is negated
if ! test -e "path" -a ! -d "path" ; then ...  # deMorgan

Shell programming prefers to put the negations inside the test helper command, not in front of it. Keep thing simple!

4.11.3 Don’t use negation ! in front of test or [Indexup to index

In shell programming, we prefer to have the test command do the negations inside its own expressions. We rarely would use the leading ! on the exit status of the test command, so we prefer the first statements in each pair below:

if test ! -e "path" ; then ...      # use this syntax (preferred)
if ! test -e "path" ; then ...      # DO NOT USE THIS (bad form)

if [ ! -e "path" ] ; then ...       # use this syntax (preferred)
if ! [ -e "path" ] ; then ...       # DO NOT USE THIS (bad form)

4.12 Using test with variablesIndexup to index

Scripts often use the test helper command to test the contents of variables, so one or both of the arguments is often a double-quoted variable to be expanded inside the script:

if test "$1" = '/' ; then echo "Using ROOT directory" ; fi
if test "$1" = "$2" ; then echo "Two arguments are identical" ; fi
if test -r "$1" ; then echo "Argument $1 is a readable pathname" ; fi

Here is an example script that tests the number of positional parameters (arguments) to the script via the $# variable:

#!/bin/sh -u
if test "$#" -eq 0 ; then
    echo "$0: The script has no arguments"
if test "$#" -ge 1 ; then
    echo "$0: The first argument of $# is '$1'"
if test "$#" -ge 2 ; then
    echo "$0: The second argument of $# is '$2'"
if test "$#" -ge 3 ; then
    echo "$0: The script has three or more arguments: $#"

Running the above script:

$ ./ one two three four
./ The first argument of 4 is 'one'
./ The second argument of 4 is 'two'
./ The script has three or more arguments: 4

5 Using [...] as a synonym for test (syntactic sugar)Indexup to index

Someone in the Unix past decided that shell if and while control statements should look more like the statements found in programming languages. For example, the Java and C programming languages use parentheses around their conditional expressions:

if ( x > 3 ) {       /* programming languages such as Java or C */

Someone came up with the idea of making an alias for the test helper command that would be named [ (left square bracket). The test command was rewritten so that, if it were called by the name [, it would ignore a final argument of ] (right square bracket). We could now replace this ugly test syntax:

if test "$1" = 'yes' ; then
    echo "Argument $1 is 'yes'"

with this more elegant bracket syntax, using [ as an alias for test:

if [ "$1" = 'yes' ] ; then
    echo "Argument $1 is 'yes'"

This is still the test command, executing under the alias of the command name [, and ignoring the final argument ]. Those square brackets look similar to the parentheses used in some programming languages; but, you must remember that they are not punctuation. Each one of those square brackets must be a separate blank-separated token to the shell, and that means both brackets must be surrounded by blanks on both sides (except that you don’t actually need blanks before or after semicolons).

Ever since that day, most shell scripts now use the square-bracket [ form of test because it looks nicer. Students of the shell must remember that this square bracket [ form is not punctuation; it is simply syntactic sugar that uses a command name alias for test that happens to be a square bracket. Use blanks around the brackets!

Syntactic sugar is a feature added to the syntax of a language that makes it easier or more elegant for humans to use, but that does not increase the power or range of things that can already be done. Using [...] instead of the command name test is syntactic sugar.

6 Example: Count attacks on SSH portIndexup to index

Below is a fairly complete script to check how many times the SSH port was attacked on a particular date on the Course Linux Server. If no date is given on the command line, yesterday is assumed. The test helper program is used multiple times via its square-bracket alias syntax:

#!/bin/sh -u
#  $0 [ date_string ]
# Count the SSH attacks on the (optional) given date.
# If no date given, count attacks on "yesterday".
# The date_string is anything acceptable to the "date" command, e.g.
# 'today', 'yesterday', 'mar 1', 'now + 2 weeks', etc.
# -Ian! D. Allen - -

PATH=/bin:/usr/bin ; export PATH
umask 022

# Check for too many arguments.
if [ $# -gt 1 ] ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: Only expecting one optional date argument, found $# ($*)"
    echo 1>&2 "Usage: $0 'date_string'"
    exit 1

# Make sure we can read the SSH log file.
if [ ! -r "$AUTH" ] ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: You are not allowed to read '$AUTH'"
    exit 1

# Make sure we can read the Kernel log file.
if [ ! -r "$KERN" ] ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: You are not allowed to read '$KERN'"
    exit 1

# If no arguments, default the date to yesterday.
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then

# Re-format the command line date to match the date format in the log files
if ! logdate=$( date +"%b %e" --date="$date" ) ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: Could not understand date '$date' - nothing done"
    exit 1
echo "Checking for attacks on '$logdate'"

# Extract and count lines on the given date that are attacking lines:
authattacks=$( fgrep "$logdate " "$AUTH" | fgrep -c ": refused connect from " )
kernattacks=$( fgrep "$logdate " "$KERN" | fgrep -c " IDAhostsevil " )

attacks=$(( authattacks + kernattacks ))

if [ "$attacks" -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "No attacks recorded on '$logdate'"
    echo "Attacks recorded on '$logdate': $attacks (auth.log=$authattacks kern.log=$kernattacks)"

Running the above script:

$ ./ 
Checking for attacks on 'Mar 27'
Attacks recorded on 'Mar 27': 1370 (auth.log=0 kern.log=1370)

$ ./ 'jan 1'
Checking for attacks on 'Jan  1'
Attacks recorded on 'Jan  1': 516 (auth.log=2 kern.log=514)

$ ./ 'crap'
date: invalid date ‘crap’
./ Could not understand date 'crap' - nothing done

$ ./ too many arguments
./ Only expecting one optional date argument, found 3 (too many arguments)
Usage: ./ 'date_string'

The script isn’t perfect, since it doesn’t tell you if the date you supply isn’t in the range of dates recorded in the log files. An out-of-range date simply produces no results from the logs:

$ ./ 'nov 1'                         # date in future
Checking for attacks on 'Nov  1'
No attacks recorded on 'Nov  1'

With more script programming effort, we could check the date to make sure it was in the range of dates recorded in the log files.

7 Other helper programs: :, true and falseIndexup to index

The shell built-in commands : (colon) and true do nothing and always exit with a success (zero) return status. You can use either one as a place-holder in cases where you don’t want to execute a real command, as in this example below when we want to echo the failure return status of a command but don’t want to do anything if the command succeeds:

if somecommand ; then
    :                                               # do nothing on success
    echo "somecommand: failed with exit status $?"  # show exit status

The value in $? would not be correct if we inverted the command exit status using !, as in this shorter but incorrect version:

if ! somecommand ; then
    echo "somecommand: failed with exit status $?"  # WRONG: ZERO EXIT STATUS!

The above message always prints “status 0” on command failure, since the leading ! always negates a non-zero exit code to a zero exit code that is then placed in the $? variable.

The shell built-in command false does nothing and always exits with a failure (non-zero) exit status. It’s the same as ! true and I have no idea why anyone would use it, except as an example of a program that returns a non-zero exit code:

$ false
$ echo "Return code $?"
Return code 1

8 Condensing nested ifelse using elifIndexup to index

To improve script readability, a set of nested if statements can be simplified using the elif keyword that combines else and if together:


if [ "$1" -eq "0" ] ; then
    if [ "$1" -lt "10" ] ; then
        if [ "$1" -lt "100" ] ; then
echo "We classify '$1' as '$size'."

After combining every else with its following if:

if [ "$1" -eq "0" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" -lt "10" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" -lt "100" ] ; then
echo "We classify '$1' as '$size'."

The above combined elif syntax has the same meaning as the nested if statement above, but it is four lines shorter and the indentation is only one level for the whole statement.

9 The multi-way caseesac statement with GLOB patternsIndexup to index

Often we want to see if a string (usually inside a variable) contains any one of a list of different things. Doing this with if statements can be tedious. Here is a tedious example:

#!/bin/sh -u
if [ "$1" = "dog" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "cat" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "goat" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "pig" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "apple" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "peach" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "plum" ] ; then
elif [ "$1" = "cherry" ] ; then
echo "We classify '$1' as '$kind'."

Running the above script:

$ ./ plum
We classify 'plum' as 'fruit'."

$ ./ pig
We classify 'pig' as 'animal'."

The above program works, but it’s too long. We can do better.

The shell provides a simplified way of testing one string against multiple other strings using the case/esac statement that has this syntax:

case "test-string" in
patterns1 )
patterns2 )
patterns3 )
* )                                   # the "default" if nothing else matches

Below is the same example as before, eight lines shorter and much easier to read. None of the pattern matches are GLOB patterns in this example; they are all quoted fixed strings to be matched exactly against the first command line argument in the $1 positional parameter:

#!/bin/sh -u
case "$1" in
'dog' )     kind='animal'   ;;
'cat' )     kind='animal'   ;;
'goat' )    kind='animal'   ;;
'pig' )     kind='animal'   ;;
'apple' )   kind='fruit'    ;;
'peach' )   kind='fruit'    ;;
'plum' )    kind='fruit'    ;;
'cherry' )  kind='fruit'    ;;
* )         kind='unknown'  ;;        # the "default" if nothing else matches
echo "We classify '$1' as '$kind'."

Running the above script:

$ ./ plum
We classify 'plum' as 'fruit'.

$ ./ pig
We classify 'pig' as 'animal'.

Since none of the patterns above contain any GLOB characters, we don’t actually need to quote any of them, but quoting them does show that we are not using any GLOB matching here.

9.1 Using | for multiple GLOB patterns in case statementsIndexup to index

We can condense the script even more by using or | characters to put multiple GLOB patterns on the same line:

#!/bin/sh -u
case "$1" in
'dog' | 'cat' | 'goat' | 'pig' )         kind='animal'   ;;
'apple' | 'peach' | 'plum' | 'cherry' )  kind='fruit'    ;;
* )                                      kind='unknown'  ;;     # the "default" match
echo "We classify '$1' as '$kind'."

This program is now about one-third the size of the equivalent program that used nested if statements to do the same thing.

9.2 Example: Classify a pathnameIndexup to index

Below is an example using GLOB patterns to identify the first command-line argument in the positional parameter variable $1:

#!/bin/sh -u
case "$1" in
'' )    type='missing (empty)' ;;
/* )    type='an Absolute Pathname' ;;
*/ )    type='a Relative Pathname ending in a slash' ;;
*/* )   type='a Relative Pathname in some directory' ;;
*' '* ) type='a Relative Pathname with blank(s)' ;;
* )     type='a Relative Pathname in the current directory' ;;  # the "default" match
echo "Pathname '$1' is $type"

Running the above script:

$ ./ ''
Pathname '' is missing (empty)

$ ./ /etc/passwd
Pathname '/etc/passwd' is an Absolute Pathname

$ ./ a/b/c/
Pathname 'a/b/c/' is a Relative Pathname ending in a slash

$ ./ foo/bar
Pathname 'foo/bar' is a Relative Pathname in some directory

$ ./ "foo bar"
Pathname 'foo bar' is a Relative Pathname with blank(s)

$ ./ foobar
Pathname 'foobar' is a Relative Pathname in the current directory

9.3 Example: Find the star/asterisk/*Indexup to index

As when matching file names on a shell command line, GLOB pattern characters in case statements must be unquoted to behave as GLOB characters. Quoting hides the GLOB characters from the shell and makes them into ordinary characters that must match the test-string exactly:

#!/bin/sh -u
case "$1" in
'*' )   msg='a single asterisk (star)' ;;
'*'* )  msg='an asterisk at the beginning of the argument' ;;
*'*' )  msg='an asterisk at the end of the argument' ;;
*'*'* ) msg='an asterisk in the middle of the argument' ;;
* )     msg='an argument with no asterisk' ;;     # the "default" match
echo "You entered $msg: $1"

Running the above script:

$ ./ '*'
You entered a single asterisk (star): *

$ ./ '*foobar'
You entered an asterisk at the beginning of the argument: *foobar

$ ./ 'foobar*'
You entered an asterisk at the end of the argument: foobar*

$ ./ 'foo*bar'
You entered an asterisk in the middle of the argument: foo*bar

$ ./ 'no star here'
You entered an argument with no asterisk: no star here

9.4 Example: Matching numbers by counting digitsIndexup to index

Below is another example using more complex GLOB patterns to match the number of digits inside a number, allowing a crude method for checking number ranges:

#!/bin/sh -u
case "$1" in
0 )                     price='free' ;;           # 0
[1-9] )                 price='cheap' ;;          # 1...9
[1-4][0-9] )            price='middle' ;;         # 10...49
[5-9][0-9] )            price='upper' ;;          # 50...99
[1-9][0-9][0-9] )       price='high' ;;           # 100...999
[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] )  price='exorbitant' ;;     # 1000...9999
* )                     price='impossible' ;;     # the "default" match
echo "We classify '$1' as '$price'."

Running the above script:

$ ./ 37
We classify '37' as 'middle'.

$ ./ 2348
We classify '2348' as 'exorbitant'.

$ ./ crap
We classify 'crap' as 'impossible'.

Using GLOB patterns to test numeric ranges has its limitations, and doesn’t always work as nicely as one would like (since we are comparing digits and not evaluating and comparing numeric values)

$ ./ 037                         # 037 is in range 10...49
We classify '037' as 'impossible'.

$ ./ 3.14                        # 3.14 is in range 1...9
We classify '3.14' as 'impossible'.

Shells find and run commands; they don’t do mathematics very well.

9.5 Example: Validating an argument using a complemented character classIndexup to index

Since GLOB patterns can also match characters that are not in a range by adding ! inside a character class, we can use GLOB patterns to detect input that is, for example, not alphabetic:

#!/bin/sh -u
case "$1" in
'' ) echo "Empty string" ;;
*[![:alpha:]]* ) echo "Non-alphabetic '$1'" ;;
* ) echo "Alphabetic: '$1'" ;;

The above script has a case GLOB pattern that matches a non-alphabetic character anywhere in the string, by using the complement (inverse) of a POSIX character class named [:alpha:] that represents alphabetic characters. If that pattern matches in the argument, we know the argument has a non-alphabetic character in it somewhere:

$ ./ happy
Alphabetic: happy

$ ./ abc0def
Non-alphabetic: abc0def

You can use case statements and appropriate complemented POSIX character classes to make sure that arguments contain only the types of characters you want: letters, digits, spaces, printable characters, etc.

For a list of POSIX character classes, see POSIX Character Classes.

9.5.1 Detailed explanation of GLOB pattern *[![:digit:]]*Indexup to index

Below are steps to show you how you can understand what the complemented POSIX character class means in this GLOB pattern: *[![:digit:]]*

  1. Match a digit 0 anywhere in the argument:

     case "$1" in
     *0* ) do something here ... ;;
  2. Match digits 0 or 1 anywhere in the argument:

     case "$1" in
     *[01]* ) do something here ... ;;
  3. Match digits 0 through 9 anywhere in the argument using a GLOB range (only valid for digits; don’t use ranges for letters!):

     case "$1" in
     *[0-9]* ) do something here ... ;;
  4. Match digits 0 through 9 anywhere in the argument using a POSIX character class named [:digit:] that replaces the range 0-9:

     case "$1" in
     *[[:digit:]]* ) do something here ... ;;
  5. Match any character that is NOT a digit by inserting ! at the start of the character class:

     case "$1" in
     *[![:digit:]]* ) do something here ... ;;

Other useful POSIX class names you can use inside GLOB character classes: [:digit:] [:alpha:] [:alnum:] [:space:]

For a list of POSIX character classes, see POSIX Character Classes.

Do not use letter ranges in character classes, e.g. [a-z]! Internationalization and localization features will cause incorrect matches. Always use the POSIX class names for letter ranges inside character classes, e.g. [[:lower:]] or [[:upper:]] or [[:alpha:]]

10 Loop Conditional Shell Control Structures – while, for, do, doneIndexup to index

Reference: Chapter 9. Repetitive tasks

Unix/Linux shells are designed to find and run commands. This means that the programming control structures of shells are based on the exit statuses of running commands.

A more complex shell control structure is a while loop that repeats running a list of commands over and over based on the success/failure of a command return code.

10.1 The whiledodone loop statementIndexup to index

Recall the syntax of a simple if branching statement:

if testing_command_list ; then

For example:

if who | fgrep "$1" ; then
    echo "User '$1' is signed on"

The shell while loop is similar to a simple if statement, except that the zero_command_list is executed by the shell over and over as long as the testing_comamnd_list succeeds. Instead of then and fi, the zero_command_list of the while loop is delimited by the new keywords do and done:

while testing_command_list ; do

For example:

while who | fgrep "$1" ; do
    echo "User '$1' is still signed on"
    sleep 10

As with the if statement, the testing_comamnd_list is executed, and the return status of the last command in the list is tested, then:

If the testing_command_list never fails, the while loop will repeat the zero_command_list over and over, forever. To avoid the loop repeating forever, the testing_command_list should eventually return a non-zero (failing) status.

Below are some examples of what these while loop statements might look like inside shell scripts.

Example use of an integer expression to add one to a loop index variable to create 100 files with numbered names (without error checking):

#!/bin/sh -u
# Create 100 files with names filename1.txt through filename100.txt
# This version does no error checking.
while [ $count -le 100 ] ; do
    touch "filename$count.txt"
    count=$(( count + 1 ))
echo "Touched all the files."

Below is an improved version of the above script that checks for errors. Note how the loop index starts at zero and is incremented before being used; the while loop testing condition is modified to make sure the loop still stops at file 100. We keep a count of the number of errors:

#!/bin/sh -u
# Create 100 files with names filename1.txt through filename100.txt
# This version does error checking.
while [ $i -lt 100 ] ; do
    i=$(( i + 1 ))
    if ! touch "$name" ; then
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Failed to touch '$name'"
        errors=$(( errors + 1 ))
echo "Number of names touched: $i  errors: $errors"

Below is another example of a while loop using a shell pipeline as the testing_comamnd_list:

#!/bin/sh -u
# Loop while idallen is signed on, then exit.
while who | fgrep "idallen" ; do
    echo "idallen is still online"
    sleep 60
echo "idallen just signed off"

As you can see in the example above, the testing_comamnd_list being executed can be a shell pipeline, just as in an if statement. Only the exit status of the last command in a pipeline is used by the shell. As long as the fgrep command succeeds in finding the string idallen in the output of the who command (exit status zero), the loop will continue. When the fgrep command does not find idallen, it returns a non-zero exit status and the loop finishes and the message idallen just signed off is echoed.

Below is a similar script the works the opposite to the one above. It uses the exclamation mark ! negation operator to negate the return code of the (last command in the) pipeline. It waits for idallen to sign on, and loops waiting until he does. When he does sign on, the fgrep command returns a success zero status that is inverted to failure by the exclamation mark ! and the script exits with the message idallen just signed on.

#!/bin/sh -u
# Loop while idallen is NOT signed on, then exit.
while ! who | fgrep "idallen" ; do
    echo "idallen is not online yet"
    sleep 60
echo "idallen just signed on"

Below is a more general version of the same while loop script, using a required command line argument as the userid to look for:

#!/bin/sh -u
#   $0 userid
# Loop until the userid signs on, then print a message and exit.
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin ; export PATH
umask 022

# Make sure we have exactly one command line argument.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]  ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: expecting one userid, found $# ($*)"
    echo 1>&2 "Usage:  $0 userid"
    exit 1
# Loop while the $user is *NOT* signed on.
while ! who | fgrep "$user" ; do
    echo "$0: $(date) $user is not online yet."
    sleep 60
echo "$0: $(date) $user just signed on."

10.2 The fordodone loop statementIndexup to index

Unlike the while loop that has to run a testing_comamnd_list to know when to continue the loop, the for loop does not execute any testing command. It simply iterates over a fixed list of words, one at a time. There are two kinds of for loops, one with an implicit list of words (the command line arguments) and one with an explicit list of words:

# implicit list of words come from command line arguments
for name do                           # iterates over arguments $1 $2 $3 ...

# explicit list of words is supplied before semicolon
for name in word1 word2 word3 ; do    # iterates over word1 word2 word3 ...

Using square brackets here to indicate optional text and ... to indicate repeated text, as in the SYNOPSIS section of man pages, we could write the for syntax like this:

for name [ in word... ; ] do

The variable $name is set to the first word in the list and then the command_list is executed. Then $name is set to the second word and the command_list is executed again. This repeats for each word in the list until the list is exhausted.

An example for loop with a list of three words to iterate over:

#!/bin/sh -u
for i in dog cow pig ; do
    echo "See the $i run!"

Running the above script:

$ ./
See the dog run!
See the cow run!
See the pig run!

Another example without an explicit list of words uses the positional parameters (command line arguments $1, $2, etc.) as the list of words:

#!/bin/sh -u
for j do
    echo "See the $j run!"

Running the above script:

$ ./ man nose
See the man run!
See the nose run!

The name of the index variable is arbitrary but should usually reflect the meaning of the items in the list of words:

#!/bin/sh -u
for newfruit in apple pear plum cherry apricot banana ; do
    fruits="$fruits $newfruit"
echo "So many:$fruits"

Running the above script:

$ ./
So many: apple pear plum cherry apricot banana

Often the shell script iterates over a list of file names on the command line:

#!/bin/sh -u
for file do
    if [ ! -r "$file" ] ; then
        echo "Cannot read '$file'"

Running the above script:

$ ./ /etc/*
Cannot read '/etc/group-'
Cannot read '/etc/gshadow'
Cannot read '/etc/gshadow-'
Cannot read '/etc/shadow'
Cannot read '/etc/shadow-'
Cannot read '/etc/sudoers'

Remember that the variable named at the start of a for loop does not start with a dollar sign! You only use the dollar sign to expand the variable inside the loop body.

10.3 Exit a loop in the middle: breakIndexup to index

You can exit (break out of) a while or for loop in the middle, before the loop is finished, using the break statement. The break causes the shell to skip out of the loop to after the done statement:

#!/bin/sh -u
# Create 100 files with names filename1.txt through filename100.txt
# This version does error checking and stops on any error.
while [ $count -lt 100 ] ; do
    next=$(( count + 1 ))
    if ! touch "$name" ; then
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Failed to touch '$name'"
    count=$(( count + 1 ))     # could use count=$next
echo "Number of names touched successfully: $count"

In the example above, note the use of two variables $count and $next so that when the loop exits the correct number of successfully touched files is printed. The $count variable is incremented only after a successful touch; the $next variable has to be incremented before the touch is attempted.

Another example:

#!/bin/sh -u
# Make backup copies of file names given as arguments.
# Stop copying if any error occurs; don't ignore errors.
for file do
    if ! cp -p "$file" "$file.bak" ; then
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Failed to copy '$file' to '$file.bak'"
    count=$(( count + 1 ))
echo "Number of files backed up: $count of $#"

Another example:

#   $0 [ filenames... ]
# Create .bak copies of all the names.
# Does not overwrite existing non-empty .bak copies.
# Skips over missing or unreadable files.
# Script terminates on copy error; does not continue.
for name do
    if [ ! -e "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is inaccessible or does not exist; skipped"
    elif [ ! -f "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is not a file; skipped"
    elif [ ! -r "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is not readable; skipped"
    elif [ -s "$name.bak" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name.bak' already exists; skipped"
    elif cp -p "$name" "$name.bak" ; then
        count=$(( count + 1 ))
        echo "$count. Backed up to $name.bak"
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Could not copy '$name' to '$name.bak'"
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Script terminated"
echo "Copied: $count"
exit "$status"

10.4 Return to the top of a loop: continueIndexup to index

You can skip directly back to the top of a while or for loop using the continue statement. The continue statement causes the shell to skip the rest of the statements in the loop and go directly back to the top of the loop. The top of a while loop is the testing condition; the top of a for loop selects the next word in the word list.

Below is the previous script rewritten to use continue. Each if statement is now separate, not linked to the previous one with elif. Only if we pass the first four if statements do we attempt the cp, and only if the cp fails do we print the error message and break out of the loop:

#   $0 [ filenames... ]
# Create .bak copies of all the names.
# Does not overwrite existing non-empty .bak copies.
# Skips over missing or unreadable files.
# Script terminates on copy error; does not continue.
for name do
    if [ ! -e "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is inaccessible or does not exist; skipped"
    if [ ! -f "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is not a file; skipped"
    if [ ! -r "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is not readable; skipped"
    if [ -s "$name.bak" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name.bak' already exists; skipped"
    if cp -p "$name" "$name.bak" ; then
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Could not copy '$name' to '$name.bak' (status $?)"
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Script terminated"
    count=$(( count + 1 ))
    echo "$count. Backed up to $name.bak"
echo "Copied: $count"
exit "$status"

In the example below, we only use touch to touch a file (create a new file) if the file doesn’t already exist. If the file already exists, we skip back to the top of the loop. If any error occurs, we break out of the loop and end the script:

#!/bin/sh -u
# Create 100 files with names filename1.txt through filename100.txt
# Don't touch any files that already exist.
while [ $i -le 100 ] ; do
    i=$(( i + 1 ))
    if [ -e "$name" ] ; then
        echo "Already created '$name'"
    if ! touch "$name" ; then
        echo 1>&2 "$0: Failed to create '$name'
    new=$(( new + 1 ))
echo "Number of new files touched: $new out of $i"

In the example below, we start a variable count at zero and then loop over all the arguments counting how many are readable and adding one to the counter each time. When the loop finishes (all the arguments have been processed), we show the value of the counter:

#  $0 [ names... ]
for name do
    if [ ! -e "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is inaccessible or does not exist"
        continue                          # skip back to top of FOR loop
    if [ ! -f "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is not a file"
        continue                          # skip back to top of FOR loop
    if [ ! -r "$name" ] ; then
        echo "$0: '$name' is not readable"
        continue                          # skip back to top of FOR loop
    count=$(( count + 1 ))                # add one to the counter
    echo "$count. A readable file: $name with lines: $(wc -l <"$name")"
echo "Number of readable files: $count"

In the example above, note the use of a double-quoted variable "$name" used inside a command substitution inside a double-quoted string. The shell knows how to keep the two nested uses of double quotes separate.

11 Shifting positional parameters: shift so $2 becomes $1Indexup to index

Often we want a script to process any number of command line arguments. This means we don’t know ahead of time how many arguments there will be. A nice way to do this is using the shell built-in shift command inside a script.

We already know that the command line arguments to a script are assigned to the positional parameter variables $1, $2, $3, etc.

The shell built-in shift command behaves as if the shell throws away the first command line argument and then re-assigns all the positional parameters using the (fewer) arguments that are left. This has the effect that the argument that used to be in $2 is now in $1 and what used to be in $3 is now in $2, etc. All the positional parameters have shifted down by one:

#!/bin/sh -u
echo "'$1' is the first argument of $#: $*"
echo "'$1' is the first argument of $#: $*"
echo "'$1' is the first argument of $#: $*"
echo "'$1' is the first argument of $#: $*"
echo "'$1' is the first argument of $#: $*"

Running the above script:

$ ./ one two three four five six
'one' is the first argument of 6: one two three four five six
'two' is the first argument of 5: two three four five six
'three' is the first argument of 4: three four five six
'four' is the first argument of 3: four five six
'five' is the first argument of 2: five six

Every time shift executes, the first command line argument disappears and all the other arguments move down one.

We can use this to process a huge number of command line arguments by coding a shell loop statement. Let’s look at a loop statement next.

This example loop uses the shell built-in shift command to shift all the command line arguments over and over until no arguments are left (until $# becomes zero):

#!/bin/sh -u
# Display all the command line arguments, no matter how many
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
    echo "'$1' is the first argument of $#: $*"
echo "All the arguments have been processed."

The while loop uses the test helper command to test that the number of command line arguments is greater than zero. When the test fails (the number of arguments is zero), the loop terminates and the script continues on to print its final exit message.

Running the above script:

$ ./ one two three four five six
'one' is the first argument of 6: one two three four five six
'two' is the first argument of 5: two three four five six
'three' is the first argument of 4: three four five six
'four' is the first argument of 3: four five six
'five' is the first argument of 2: five six
'six' is the first argument of 1: six
All the arguments have been processed.

12 Shell functionsIndexup to index

Functions are named pieces of code that can be created inside the shell and passed parameters and executed by the shell just as if they were commands with arguments. A shell function operates just like a miniature shell script:

$ Foo () { echo "Hello $*" ; }
$ Foo a b c
Hello a b c

Like shell variables, shell functions are defined inside the shell itself and the definition is lost when the shell exits. (To have a function defined in all your interactive shells, put the definition in your .bashrc file.)

No $PATH lookup is needed to find and run a shell function, and functions are found before any $PATH search is done. If a shell function has the same name as a system command, the function is used, not the system command.

The formal syntax definition shows that the keyword function is optional when creating a function:

[function] name () {
    list of commands

Any parameters you pass to a function when calling it by name on the command line it will become positional parameters inside that function ($1, $2, etc.), just as if the function were its own little shell script.

The positional parameters ($1 etc.) of a script are not available inside a function, because the function uses the positional parameter names to hold the arguments to the function. Inside a function, $1 is the first argument to the function, not the first argument to the shell script containing the function.

Below is an example showing that inside a function, $1 is the first argument to the function, not the first argument to the shell script containing the function:

#!/bin/sh -u
Foo () {
    echo "The value of \$1 in the function is '$1'"
echo "The value of \$1 in the script is '$1'"
Foo bar

Running the above script with the argument Mom:

$ ./ Mom
The value of $1 in the script is 'Mom'
The value of $1 in the function is 'bar'

Functions are most often defined and used inside shell scripts to hold in one place some code that you want to use over and over in your shell script. Without the function, you would have to repeat the code over and over, making the script longer and harder to maintain. Less code is better code!

Here is an example script where we centralize most of an echo statement and a sentence in some functions and only pass in to the function the two parameters that change:

#!/bin/sh -u

# Function to use the first two arguments in a sentence:
English () {
    echo "You are a $1 human being.  I $2 you."

# Function to use the first two arguments in a sentence as Yoda might say it:
Yoda () {
    echo "Yoda say $1 human being you are.  You I $2."

# Function to pass all its arguments to two other functions:
Both () {
    English "$@"
    Yoda "$@"

Both nice adore
Both melancholy "am indifferent to"
Both terrible hate

Running the above script:

$ ./
You are a nice human being.  I adore you.
Yoda say nice human being you are.  You I adore.
You are a melancholy human being.  I am indifferent to you.
Yoda say melancholy human being you are.  You I am indifferent to.
You are a terrible human being.  I hate you.
Yoda say terrible human being you are.  You I hate.

Using functions can make your shell scripts much smaller and easier to understand and maintain. Less code is better code!

12.1 Example: ErrorExit function to exit a scriptIndexup to index

This example ErrorExit shell function below echoes all its arguments onto standard error, prints a usage message, and exits the script. Putting all this common code in the function makes the script shorter, easier to read, and easier to maintain.

#!/bin/sh -u

# This function prints an error message and exits the script:
ErrorExit () {
    echo 1>&2 "$0: $*"
    echo 1>&2 "Usage $0 [filename]"
    exit 1

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    ErrorExit "Expecting one filename argument; found $# ($*)"
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
    ErrorExit "Argument is an empty string"
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
    ErrorExit "Argument is nonexistent, inaccessible, or not a file: '$1'"
if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then
    ErrorExit "File is not readable: '$1'"
if [ ! -s "$1" ]; then
    ErrorExit "File is empty: '$1'"

if cp -p "$1" "$1.bak" ; then
    echo "Backed up '$1' to '$1.bak'."
    echo 1>&2 "$0: Failed to copy '$1' to '$1.bak', cp exit status $?"

Running the above script:

$ ./
./ Expecting one filename argument; found 0 ()
Usage ./ [filename]

$ ./ /bin
./ Argument is nonexistent, inaccessible, or not a file: '/bin'
Usage ./ [filename]

Functions can hold code in one place that would otherwise be repeated over and over in a script. Less code is better code.

13 Short-circuit command list operators: && and ||Indexup to index

The if statement isn’t the only way that the shell checks the return status of a command. If you separate two commands with || or && the shell checks the return status of the first command to decide whether to run the second command. There are two versions:

# Execute command_2 only if comamnd_1 fails (returns non-zero)
command_1 || command_2

# Execute command_2 only if comamnd_1 succeeds (returns zero)
command_1 && command_2

These Boolean command operators are sometimes used inside scripts to avoid having to write an entire if statement to check a command return status:

mkdir foo  ||  exit $?                 # exit script if mkdir fails
[ -d bar ]  ||  exit 1                 # exit script if not a directory
[ -s foo ]  &&  mv foo foo.bak         # back up file only if not empty

Earlier we wrote this simple shell script:

#!/bin/sh -u
if mkdir foo ; then
    cd foo
    date >date.txt

Using the short-circuit operators, we could rewrite it this way:

#!/bin/sh -u
mkdir foo || exit $?
cd foo || exit $?
date >date.txt

Above, the || exit $? after each command makes the script exit if the preceding command fails, using the exit code of the command that failed. We could also write the same script this way:

#!/bin/sh -u
mkdir foo && cd foo && date >date.txt

Above, the && operator ensures that the cd command is executed only if the preceding mkdir succeeds, and the date command is executed only if the preceding cd succeeds (which means the mkdir also succeeded).

The script detects errors and doesn’t create the date output file:

$ touch foo
$ ./
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘foo’: File exists

Unfortunately, the error message doesn’t include the name of the script containing the command that is generating the error, so tracking down which script is generating the error is harder when you use || or &&.

13.1 Disadvantages of short-circuit operators && and ||Indexup to index

The disadvantages of using the short-circuit operators inside scripts are that the error messages don’t include the script name or the error code, so it’s often hard to know which script is having problems and what the problems might be. Compare the above short scripts with this longer script below, which detects errors and prints the script name along with the command generating the error and the error code:

#!/bin/sh -u
if mkdir foo ; then
    :                               # do nothing on success
    echo 1>&2 "$0: mkdir foo failed with status $status"
    exit "$status"
if cd foo ; then
    :                               # do nothing on success
    echo 1>&2 "$0: cd foo failed with status $status"
    exit "$status"
date >date.txt

The above script gives detailed information about its name, which command failed, and the exact failure status code. The error messages are much better and tell you the script name containing the command that is failing:

$ touch foo
$ ./
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘foo’: File exists
./ mkdir foo failed with status 1
$ echo $?

The short-circuit versions of the same script don’t even give the script name and so tracking down which script had the error and what the error code was is harder.

The short-circuit operators are useful for quick testing of command return codes, but they aren’t suitable for a production script where you want to see the script name and good error messages.

Use && and || with caution.

14 Reading input in shell scripts – readIndexup to index

The Bourne family of shells use a built-in command named read to issue a prompt on standard error and read one single line of input from standard input. The input line is split up into words and assigned to one or more variables given on the command line:

#!/bin/sh -u
read -p "Enter a number: " num1
read -p "Enter a number: " num2
echo "The sum is $(( num1 + num2 ))"


$ ./
Enter a number: 10
Enter a number: 5
The sum is 15

The shell only issues the prompt if standard input is coming from a terminal (from a human via a keyboard). If input is coming from a file or a pipe, no prompt is needed:

$ echo 10 >input
$ echo 5 >>input
$ ./ <input
The sum is 15

If only one variable name is given, the whole input line is put into the variable. Multiple variables cause word splitting of the input line into the separate variables:

#!/bin/sh -u
read -p "Enter two numbers: " num1 num2
echo "The sum is $(( num1 + num2 ))"


$ ./
Enter two numbers: 10 5
The sum is 15

Because the read command is built-in to the shell, it is documented in the manual page for your shell, e.g. man bash. BASH users may also use help read to get a summary of the command usage.

| Ian! D. Allen, BA, MMath  -  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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