Weekly Class Notes
JCL Examples and Homework
Course Notes (alphabetical order)
Mar 21 21:57 2000 MVS_Job_Flow.gif Jul 12 10:18 2001 accuracy_test.txt COB2 EXEC PGM=IGYCRCTL,REGION=1024KMar 24 18:02 2004 badjcl.txt "Bad JCL" - a JCL file containing many syntax errorsMar 24 18:00 2004 badjcl_fixed.txt "Good JCL" - the corrected version of "Bad JCL"Nov 19 11:04 2003 conditionCodes.txt Understanding and Coding JCL COND= ParametersMar 19 11:44 2004 expljcl.txt a list of JCL parameters to document using the JCL Reference ManualJan 12 20:46 2018 ianstyles_local.css Nov 13 10:07 2003 jclStyle.txt Miscellaneous JCL NotesApr 13 03:07 2004 jclStyle2.txt Miscellaneous JCL Notes (Updated for Week 14)Aug 25 14:14 2003 os_intro.txt Notes on Assessing an Operating SystemAug 25 14:15 2003 os_intro_points.txt Summary Slide for O/S IntroductionOct 29 10:20 2003 payrolljcl.txt PAYROLL - A three step JOB with IDCAMS (no PROC used)Nov 17 19:36 2003 procMerge.txt How a PROC works - merging your JCL with the PROC JCLOct 29 10:21 2003 progtstjcl.txt PROGTST - A "one step" JOB using a PROC containing hidden stepsMar 27 00:15 2004 study_midterm.txt What to Study for the MVS Midterm Test in Week 12Mar 16 06:27 2004 weekly.txt Weekly schedule of MVS Statements and Parameters
Projects/Labs/Assignments/Exercises (for hand-in)
Mar 28 11:59 2004 exercise05.txt Exercise #5 for DAT2330 due March 23Mar 27 00:07 2004 exercise06.txt Exercise #6 for DAT2330 due March 30Apr 2 18:00 2004 exercise07.txt Exercise #7 for DAT2330 due April 6Apr 6 16:14 2004 exercise08.txt Exercise #8 for DAT2330 due April 13Apr 20 11:05 2004 exercise09.txt Exercise #9 for DAT2330 due April 20Nov 12 11:15 2003 lab1.txt DAT2330 Winter 2000 - MVS JCL Lab 1Nov 12 11:19 2003 lab1answer.txt JCL for MVS LAB 1 from DAT2330 Winter 2000Nov 12 11:20 2003 lab1notes.txt Notes on Winter 2000 Lab assignment #1Nov 26 15:58 2003 lab2.txt DAT2330 Winter 2000 - MVS JCL Lab 2Nov 26 15:58 2003 lab2answer.txt JCL for MVS LAB 2 from DAT2330 Winter 2000Nov 26 15:58 2003 lab2notes.txt Notes on Winter 2000 Lab assignment #2
Course Outline and Evaluation
Quizzes, Tests, and Exams
Optional Material