======================================================= Real JCL from Revenue Canada - BCOB Cataloged Procedure ======================================================= -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com This is what a procedure looks like when it is placed into a procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. This procedure will be merged with the JCL that you write to create a full set of working JCL for a job. This procedure only handles a compile and link; it does not "go". The first step in this procedure is not a compile step - it copies the input source program to a temporary dataset for use by the compiler. Look for the three internal steps in this procedure. These are the step names that you must use in your own JCL, when you wish to over-ride or replace DDnames from these steps. Example provided by Kevin Solomon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [*** examples removed at Kevin's request - February 5, 2010 -IAN! ***]