weights: 4096  256    16     1

1997(d) = 0(4096) + 7(256) + 205
        = 0(4096) + 7(256) + 12(16) + 13
        = 07CD(h)

-4321(d) = ?
to represent a negative value, we will need to assume 2's Complement encoding.
step 1: find the absolute value's hexadecimal form
   4321 = 1(4096) + 225
        = 1(4096) + 0(256) + 14(16) +1
        = 10E1 (h)
step 2:
  -4321 =  0 0 0 0
         - 1 0 E 1
        =  E F 1 F (h)

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