% Faculty Information / Biography -- Ian! D. Allen
% Ian! D. Allen -- idallen@idallen.ca -- www.idallen.com ![Canadian Flag]
% Updated August 2019
Former College Professor -- January 1997 to June 2019
![DR LINUX Ontario car license plate] I was a college professor for 22 years
at the [Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology] in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada until I had to resign on June 30, 2019 due to poor working conditions.
I started teaching in the [Computer Studies] (CS) department at Algonquin in
January 1997. In the summer of 1999 I transferred to the Information and
Quantitative Systems (IQS) department in the school of Business to work under
a better manager (Ian McMaster). In the summer of 2002 the College closed IQS
and moved me back into the Computer Studies department, now in the [School of
Advanced Technology] (now SAT, formerly CTET).
I taught free/libre [![Open Source]][1] technologies (mostly [Linux command
line]) under a Creative Commons [![Creative Commons License]][2] license.
Previous Contact Information for Algonquin College (resigned June 2019)
: [Prof Timetable]
Teaching Home Page (on this machine)
: [teaching home page on this machine]
Teaching Home Page (master copy)
Current Personal Home Page
Formal Education
1985 [M.Math], [Computer Science]\
[University of Waterloo], Ontario, CANADA
1980 [B.A.], Honours [Psychology] (Deans List)\
[University of Waterloo], Ontario, CANADA
Graduate Scholarships: NSERC, OGS
Work Experience
- University of Waterloo Unix System Administrator 1980-1993
- National Research Council (NRC) Guest Worker (IIT) 1993
- Community Network ([FreeNet]) System Administrator 1993-1996
- Computer Science Professor (Algonquin College) 1997-2019
- Professor of Computer Studies 1997-1999
- Professor of Information Systems 1999-2002
- Professor of Computer Studies (again) 2002 to 2012
- Professor of Information and Communications Technologies (Linux) 2012
to June 2019
- GNU/Linux / Unix / Free/Libre Open Source Software \[FLOSS\] Sysadmin and
Consultant 1985 to present
Professional/Academic Interests
- Computer Aided social interaction
- Community Networks ([FreeNets][FreeNet])
- Enabling, non-fascist Unix System Administration
- Home computing environments (Linux, dual-home networking, IP Tunnelling,
My Résumé is on my home page
Favourite Sayings
"If this were easy, everyone would be doing it."
"You have to think like the shell!"
"Less code is better code."
Other Things
- [Personal Home Page] ![National Capital FreeNet Graphic]
- Favourite Quotes and Interests are on my home page
- [Contact Improvisation Dance]
- [National Capital Free-Net]
- [Rate This Professor]
- Do not send me any [proprietary Microsoft documents], please.
| Ian! D. Allen, BA-Psych, MMath-CompSci idallen@idallen.ca Ottawa CANADA
| Home: www.idallen.com Contact Improvisation Dance: www.contactimprov.ca
| Former college professor of Free/Libre GNU+Linux @ teaching.idallen.com
| Improve democracy www.fairvote.ca and defend digital freedom www.eff.org
[Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format
[Canadian Flag]: common/canflag.png "Canada Flag ]"
[DR LINUX Ontario car license plate]: common/drlinux.jpg
"Dr.Linux car license plate ]"
[Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology]: http://www.algonquincollege.com/
[Computer Studies]: http://www.algonquincollege.com/sat/cs/
[School of Advanced Technology]: http://www.algonquincollege.com/sat/
[Open Source]: common/open_source_button.png
[1]: http://www.opensource.org/
[Linux command line]: cst8207/19w/
[Creative Commons License]: common/somerights20.png
[2]: http://creativecommons.org/
[Prof Timetable]: cst8207/19w/schedule.html
[teaching home page on this machine]: ./
[M.Math]: http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/
[Computer Science]: http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/
[University of Waterloo]: http://www.uwaterloo.ca/
[B.A.]: http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/
[Psychology]: http://www.psychology.uwaterloo.ca/
[FreeNet]: http://www.ncf.ca/
[Personal Home Page]: http://www.idallen.com/
[National Capital FreeNet Graphic]: common/freenet_tiny.png
"National Capital FreeNet ]"
[Contact Improvisation Dance]: http://contactimprov.ca/
[National Capital Free-Net]: http://www.ncf.ca
[Rate This Professor]: ratings.html
[proprietary Microsoft documents]: http://idallen.com/openformats.html
[Plain Text]: biography.txt
[Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/