Launch Visual Basic 5.0 and follow the procedures:
"A Text Box Walkthrough" (pages 46 to 51);
"A Command Button Walkthrough" (pages 51 and 52);
"A Label Walkthrough" (page 52);
"A Picture Box Walkthrough" (pages 52 and 53).
Do some of the exercises on pages 56 to 58 for practice. You should check out (at least)
the Name, Left, and Top Properties, and sizing, moving, and deleting controls. Be sure you
know how to save a VB file, and how to open an existing file.
Explore the online help system select Help on the menu bar, then VB Help Topics,
then Index and look at some of the items you may have already done in steps 4 and 5
above. Also check out the F1 key for context-sensitive help.
Evaluation Task:
Demonstrate any one of exercises 29 to 36 (pages 57 and 58).