CST 8128 — Lab 4

  1. Read the material in Chapters 4 on subprograms (starting with section 4.1 from page 142).
  2. Launch VB 5.0 and follow the example procedures 1 to 6 (pages 143 to 149).
  3. Do several of the exercises on pages 151 to 162.
  4. Continue with subprograms part II (section 4.2 from page 163). Note that you will complete this section next week.
  5. Follow the example procedures 1 to 7 (pages 163 to 169).
  6. Do several of the exercises on pages 169 to 176.

Evaluation Task:

Demonstrate your solution to one of problems 43 to 46 (pages 160 and 161) to your instructor.

Next week:

Continue to work on section 4.2, and read sections 4.3 and 4.4 on "Functions" and "Modular Design" in preparation for next week.
