CST8177 - Lab #6
Student Name: |
Student Number: |
Lab section: |
Process Management
To use process management tools
To learn how to use job scheduling tools
Lab Outcome
An understanding of how to manage running processes
In-Lab Demo: List the steps required to submit a weekly system job.
Section A - Process management
In order to manage processes on a system, you need to be able to both view and access those processes. Commands to do so include:
Process management commands
ps |
to list existing processes on the local system |
jobs |
to list existing background jobs |
fg and bg |
to move jobs between the background and foreground |
kill |
to send a signal to a process using the PID or job number |
killall |
to send a signal to all processes using the process name |
Ctrl-C |
to kill a process currently running in the foreground (also ^C) |
top |
to view currently running processes and the resources associated to them (use q to quit, h for help) |
pgrep |
look up processes, based on the name or on other attributes |
pstree |
to display process relationships (hierarchy) |
Resource management commands
free |
to generate information about how much free memory is available on the system |
vmstat |
reports information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and cpu activity. |
Try a variety of the commands in the questions below to locate the best one for accomplishing the tasks requested.
Exercise #1: Using process management utilities
Using the utilities above, or other suitable commands, answer the questions below:
is the PID of the rsyslogd
Record the most suitable utility to use:
_____________________ __________________
a parent process or a child process?
Record the most suitable
utility to use: ______________________ _________________
is a child process, what's the
parent process's name/PID?
the most suitable utility to use: _______________________
is the name of the process that is
currently using up the highest
the most suitable utility to use: ________________________
that the PID of foobar
is 99.
assume that the command line kill
has no
effect (what is kill's
default signal?). To kill
the process foobar
have to use the
following command line: _____________________ _________________________________
the key combination that kills
a process that runs in the
foreground. _________________________________________
Exercise #2: Working with job control
this exercise you are working on more than one terminal window.
To determine the device name of your terminal, use the tty
Job control commands
jobs |
to list current processes started by this particular shell |
CTRL-Z or ^Z |
to stop execution of a process running in the foreground |
bg %jobnum |
to move a suspended job into the background |
fg %jobnum |
to move a background job to the foreground |
kill %jobnum |
to terminate a background job |
At terminal #1
starts a copy of cat reading from stdin
suspend the cat process while it is running
find / -name '*.conf' >& /dev/null
starts a long-running find
as above, but do this fairly quickly, since it's not that long-running
List all the background jobs for this terminal or tty device
At terminal #2
ps -ef | grep find
this list the process you started in terminal
#1? Determine the
process state of find: __________________ __________________
pgrep find
with the ps/grep
above; which do you prefer and why?
Does this list the processes you stopped in terminal #1? _______________________
At terminal #1
kill %1
terminate the cat process. Press ENTER and describe what happens:
bg %2
check job %2; Is it still find? ___________________________________________________
fg %2
Is the find process still running? _____________________________________________
cat &
run the cat again, starting it directly in the background
How many jobs are listed? With what job number(s)? ____________ _____________
Terminate all remaining jobs with a single command:
Section B - Job Scheduling
In this section, you create and modify crontab entries to observe how the normal scheduling system works. You will find some good information about the format and content of the crontab in man 5 crontab., and information about the crontab command in man 1 crontab (yes, they are different). Be sure to check anacrontab(5) and anacrontab(8) as well.
Supporting material: date and time settings Before working with a scheduling system, we need to know how to view and modify the system date and time. To check the system date and time maintained by the kernel, use the date command. With no arguments, it displays the current values. You can also modify the date/ time as root Note: The date/time argument can be presented as either a string or as a numeric argument. See man date for the complete details.
Note: To check the date and time that is maintained by the hardware use the hwclock command, but use it carefully on a real (not virtual) machine. |
Exercise #1: Cron scheduling
Do this exercise first as a normal user and again as root.
The crond daemon is used to schedule jobs that run periodically, using a schedule based on minute / hour / day-of-month (dom) / month / day-of-week (dow). Jobs submitted usingthe system crontab file in /etc will run at the scheduled time until they are removed from the cron queue.
that the cron
daemon, crond,
running and show the command used: ______________
Analyzing a cron job
# min hour dom month dow [userid] command
0,*/15 8-20 24,25 12 * root echo "From crontab" > /root/out
What does this cron job do? Change the date/time in order to execute it now.
Creating / submitting a cron job as a user
The crontab utility is used to allow users to submit jobs to cron. The crontab utility can perform a number of actions, such as:
-l |
list current cron job file |
-e |
edit/create cron job file |
-r |
remove cron job file |
See man 1 crontab for the switches to perform crontab command actions. For more details on cron syntax, see man 5 crontab.
Creating/Modifying a cron job
Create a cron job with the crontab command. You are now in a specialized vi (see? I told you!) set to edit only your userid's own crontab file.
Note: The su command will cause the crontab command to operate on the crontab file for root. If root, specify the user name in the command, as:
crontab -u userid -e.
Create a cron job, based on the example above. (you must follow cron syntax) to create a file in your ~/cron directory (which you must first create). Make your time delay only a minute or two for the current day.
Tip: Put in a comment with the crontab syntax as your first entry :
# min hour dom month dow command
leaving the crontab
command, verify that you now have a crontab
file with your input (as root, look at
now cat
the file and
verify the content. Is that what you put in?).
View the result of the entry executing. Did it work? _____________________________
Note: You don't have to restart the service for the new configuration to take effect. The crond daemon checks each of its directories every minute)
Removing a cron job
Now remove the cron job(s).
that the job(s) have been removed.
Is it gone from
Crontab access
You should experiment with the files /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny to control who can submit cron jobs using the crontab command.
The format of both access control files is one line per user, specifying the userid. The cron control files are read each time a user tries to create/modify a cron job. If the file cron.allow exists, only users listed in it are allowed to use cron, and the cron.deny file is ignored. If cron.allow does not exist, all users listed in cron.deny are not allowed to use cron. Note: The root user can always use cron.
Exercise #2: Viewing the system cron jobs
View the cron configuration file that lists the cron jobs used for system maintenance with the anacron daemon: less /etc/anacrontab.
Historically the file /etc/crontab contained configuration entries like those we've seen above which called the run-parts command on all the files in the cron.{daily,weekly,monthly} directories. These jobs are now run indirectly through anacron to prevent conflicts between cron and anacron. See man 5 anacron and man 8 anacron on how to managethe job execution.
Describe the purpose of any one of the anacrontab entries.
Note: The utility /usr/bin/run-parts is a shell script that takes a directory name as an argument. Its purpose is to execute every executable file that is located in the given directory. Therefore, no extra entry needs to be added into the system files.
Describe your own crontab entries (both user and root), whether each was successful or not, and why.
Section C - Service management
Supporting commands
runlevel |
display the previous and current runlevels |
telinit n, |
switch to runlevel n |
uname |
display basic system information |
chkconfig |
manage runlevel services with the following options |
--list [service] |
list the state of one or all services in all runlevels; a state can be on or off |
--level n service on |
change the state of a runlevel service on in the specified runlevel |
--level n service off |
change the state of a runlevel service off in the specified runlevel |
--add service |
add the service to the runlevels based on the defaults |
--del service |
remove the service from all runlevels |
Exercise #1: Viewing a runlevel service
List all runlevels where the crond service runs: ________________________________
Record the command line: ________________________________________________
the name of the crond
script (show the absolute
path) used
in the directory
for runlevel
for runlevel 3): _____________________________________________
use ls
with grep
Record the command line: ________________________________________________
the name of the crond
script (show the absolute
path) that is
executed when the service is activated:
Record the command line: ________________________________________________
Exercise #2: Turning a service on & off
Deactivate the crond service in runlevel 3.
Record the command line: ________________________________________________
Verify that the changes you made are in effect.
Record the command line: ________________________________________________
Reactivate the crond service in runlevel 3.
Record the command line: ________________________________________________