CST 8177 - Lab 9
Automating Tasks: lnuf
Student Name |
Student number |
Lab section |
To learn and understand basic bash scripting language
To automate tasks
To develop basic PDL
Lab Outcome
A good working understanding of how shell scripting works and how to create simple task automation
In-Lab Demo -- Demo one of the scripts created in this lab
Part I: Basic bash scripting
Exercise #1: Creating a script
In this exercise, you will write a script called greet2.
Note: Scripts that are created on a local machine are typically stored in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin depending and who may run the script. Before you name your script verify with the command whereis if the name has already been used for a command. If it has, choose a different name for the script.
The script will contain a comment section with:
the name of the script
course number & name
your name and student ID
the purpose of this script
Note: Make certain you have the above information in every script file you create from now on.
Your script will:
Ask the user for his or her name
Greet the user using that name
Ask the user what to do
If 'date' or time', print the date and the time.
Else if 'where", print the name of the machine.
Else if 'files', print a list of all files in the user's home directory
Else print the user's search path.
To accomplish this, follow the steps below:
Step #1
Write and review the PDL you will need, using the outline above.
Write a brief Test Plan for your script
Step #2
Login as a user.
Switch to the root account.
Create a file in vi called greet2. Save and exit.
Change the permissions so that everyone can execute the file.
Step #3
Open the file and add the first line
Add the starting comments
Step #4
Use echo and read to get the user's name, both personal and family (i.e. Allan Turing); be sure to check the input
Greet the user using printf
Read one of the words from the notes above
Based on that, perform the requested action
Execute the script to ensure everything is working properly, using your Test Plan.
Step #5: Installing and testing the script
Copy the script to the /usr/local/bin directory.
Log in as a different user and execute the command, testing it against your Test Plan.
Part II: Automating administrative tasks
Search for orphan files (not owned by any account)
Create a small script, PDL first, named lnuf (list nouser files) that accomplishes the following (be sure to create a standard script header).
The script searches for all files that have no user associated with them (hint: look at find(1)) and moves the files (see also xargs(1)) to the directory named nouser in the /var directory. If the directory does not exist, create it with permissions 750.
Determine if the syslog service is running.
Note: You can do this in more than one way. You may check for the existence of the service's pid file (/var/run/syslogd.pid) or use the return value of the service command. Don't check the ps output for the rsyslogd daemon. Why not?
If the syslog service is available, log a message at facility auth and priority warning using the standard log message format. The log file is located in the log directory and is named authlog. If syslog is not available, send the message only to stderr.
Note: To execute a command only if the previous command was successful, use the logical AND operator &&. Similarly, to execute only if the preceding command failed, use the logical OR operator ||:
grep -q '^mail:' /etc/passwd && echo mail account found
grep -q '^obama:' /etc/passwd || echo no president here
The script must be scheduled to run monthly. Set it up as a system maintenance task, not as root's task, once you have verified that it is working. Change the date and test the complete set up.
Creating orphan files
Note that you will probably have to create several orphan files in several locations. Choose an unused UID/GID like 1000:1000:
Prompt# touch orphan
Prompt# ls -ln orphan # -n shows UID/GID numbers
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 0 2010-11-02 20:13 orphan
Prompt# chown 1000:1000 orphan
Prompt# ls -ln orphan
-rw-rw-r--. 1 1000 1000 0 2010-11-02 20:13 orphan
Print out your script and all other material for inclusion in your Lab Book.
Record all changes to the rsyslog configuration file, if you need any:
Describe your scheduling setup, recording any entries made here:
You have created a new log file (authlog). Next you have to manage the number of log files kept and their frequency using ... (name the tool to use):
Identify any files that need to be modified to enable log rotation for the newly created log file and record your changes: