NOTE: The scripts and programs in this directory may have had a ".txt" suffix added, to make sure that they are treated as text when your browser downloads them. You may need to remove the ".txt" suffix to compile or run them on your own computer.

Course Notes (alphabetical order)

Apr  9 08:30 2018  000_character_sets.html   Internationalization (i18n) – Collate (Sort) Order, Character Set, Accents, GLOB patterns
Nov 25 09:18 2014  01-intro.pdf   
Nov 25 09:18 2014  01-intro.pptx   
Nov 25 09:18 2014  01-intro.txt   01_OS_Overview
Nov 25 09:18 2014  02-review.pdf   
Nov 25 09:18 2014  02-review.pptx   
Nov 25 09:18 2014  02-review.txt   CST8177 – Linux II Review of Fundamentals
Nov 25 09:19 2014  03-review-add_command.pdf   
Nov 25 09:19 2014  03-review-add_command.pptx   
Nov 25 09:19 2014  03-review-add_command.txt   CST8177 – Linux II Review of Fundamentals (cont’d)
Nov 25 09:19 2014  04-startup_files_stty.pdf   
Nov 25 09:19 2014  04-startup_files_stty.pptx   
Nov 25 09:19 2014  04-startup_files_stty.txt   Linux/Unix files
Nov 25 09:19 2014  05-regex.pdf   
Nov 25 09:19 2014  05-regex.pptx   
Nov 25 09:19 2014  05-regex.txt   CST8177 – Linux II Regular Expressions
Nov 25 09:20 2014  06-regexII.pdf   
Nov 25 09:20 2014  06-regexII.pptx   
Nov 25 09:20 2014  06-regexII.txt   CST8177 – Linux II Regular Expressions
Nov 25 09:20 2014  07-scripting_I.pdf   
Nov 25 09:20 2014  07-scripting_I.pptx   
Nov 25 09:20 2014  07-scripting_I.txt   CST8177 – Linux II Shell Scripting
Nov 25 09:21 2014  08-scriptingII.pdf   
Nov 25 09:21 2014  08-scriptingII.pptx   
Nov 25 09:21 2014  08-scriptingII.txt   Scripting Process
Nov 25 09:21 2014  09-scriptingIII.pdf   
Nov 25 09:21 2014  09-scriptingIII.pptx   
Nov 25 09:21 2014  09-scriptingIII.txt   CST8177 – Linux II More Scripting
Nov 25 09:21 2014  10-processes.pdf   
Nov 25 09:21 2014  10-processes.pptx   
Nov 25 09:21 2014  10-processes.txt   Processes
Nov 25 09:22 2014  11-system_admin_user_mgmt.pdf   
Nov 25 09:22 2014  11-system_admin_user_mgmt.pptx   
Nov 25 09:22 2014  11-system_admin_user_mgmt.txt   System Administration
Nov 25 09:22 2014  12-sshkeys_yum_rsync.pdf   
Nov 25 09:22 2014  12-sshkeys_yum_rsync.pptx   
Nov 25 09:22 2014  12-sshkeys_yum_rsync.txt   ssh keys, yum, ntp, rsync
Nov 25 09:22 2014  13-disks_filesystems.pdf   
Nov 25 09:23 2014  13-disks_filesystems.pptx   
Nov 25 09:23 2014  13-disks_filesystems.txt   CST8177 – Linux II Disks, Filesystems
Nov 25 09:23 2014  14-bind_quota_booting.pdf   
Nov 25 09:23 2014  14-bind_quota_booting.pptx   
Nov 25 09:23 2014  14-bind_quota_booting.txt   CST8177 – Linux II More on file systems, Booting


Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment01.html   Review GNU/Linux Operating Systems I
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment02.html   PATH and Simple Shell Scripts
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment03.html   Regular Expressions and Simple Shell Scripts
Sep  6 00:48 2015  assignment04.html   Extended Regular Expressions
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment05.html   Blackboard Online Review Tests for Midterm #1
Sep  6 00:56 2015  assignment06.html   Shell Script Parameters and Control Flow
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment07.html   Process Management, EMail, crontab, at
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment08.html   CentOS: Install and Configure
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment09.html   CentOS: User and Group Management, disks and partitions, rsync, single-user, rescue
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment10.html   Blackboard Online Review Tests for Midterm #2
Sep  6 00:38 2015  assignment11.html   CentOS: Quotas, SysVinit, chkconfig, Logging, Logrotate, Logwatch, psacct

Shell Scripts

Oct 10 15:46 2014   Count and display on STDERR each argument to this shell script.

Course Outline and Evaluation

Dec 14 06:36 2014  2014-2015_CST8177.pdf   

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams

Oct 24 17:30 2014  midterm1.pdf   
Dec  6 04:43 2014  midterm2.pdf   

Data Files and Media (binary)

Jan 12 14:18 2013  145_subshells.mp4