Updated: 2014-04-14 06:18 EDT
This is a list of basic Unix/Linux command names used in this course and the week number in which they were first introduced and described. A missing week number means the command hasn’t been formally introduced yet.
All these command names have manual pages. Command names that are built-in to the shell (e.g. cd
, exit
, pwd
, history
, etc.) are described somewhere in the man page for the bash
shell and you can also use the BASH shell built-in help
command to get information about built-in commands, e.g. help help
and help pwd
, etc.
This list only gives the names of the commands, not what the commands do or how to use them. As you use each command, you must keep a notebook with these command names in it and a short description of what each command does; you will be required to learn and remember at least some of what each of these commands can do. Solutions to assignments use only these commands.
WK Command, feature, or technique introduced
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
01 Recall terminal command line history using UpArrow key
01 Terminal Control Characters: ^C ^D ^L ^W ^U ^Z
01 Remote Login, CLS, File Transfer
02 Setting the BASH shell prompt: PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
02 Absolute and Relative pathnames
03 Finding files and basic commands
03 GLOB characters: * ? [...], aliases
04 I/O Redirection: < > | 2>&1, Pipes
04 Text Editors
06 Shell local and environment variables, start-up files
06 Midterm #1 review
06 Midterm #1
07 cp, search $PATH
07 Quoting, File System
07 Inodes and hard links, ln
08 Symbolic Links, Disk Usage, du, quota
09 Midterm #2 review
09 Midterm #2
09 CentOS VM Installation
10 Permissions: whoami, id, groups, umask, chmod
10 Unix/Linux Software Package Management: yum, rpm, and tar
10 system logs, syslog, scheduling with crontab, at
11 Processes, Jobs, Background, Foreground, Kill, Signals
11 users and groups, su, sudo, chown, chsh, useradd, gpasswd, etc.
12 Partitions and File Systems - fdisk, mkfs, mount, swap
13 Boot Process, GRUB, Run Levels, services, telinit, chkconfig
14 Data Mining - using Linux commands to do stuff
04 alias (shell built-in)
02 apropos (synonym for: man -k)
11 at
04 awk '{print $1}' (also $2, $NF, etc.)
02 bash
11 bg (shell built-in)
01 cal (9 1752)
01 cat
02 cd (shell built-in)
10 chmod ( -R ugo[-+=]rwx octal_number )
11 chown ( -R ) [owner][:[group]]
02 clear (see also ^L)
02 cp ( -a -r -p )
11 crontab
04 cut
01 date
11 df
14 diff
10 dmesg
08 du
01 echo (shell built-in and external)
01 exit (shell built-in)
06 export (shell built-in)
12 fdisk ( -l )
11 fg (shell built-in)
04 fgrep (see grep -F)
01 figlet
01 file ( -s -L )
02 find ( -name -user -inum -size -print -ls )
11 gpasswd
04 grep ( -i -v -w )
13 grub ( command line and stand-alone boot )
11 groupadd
11 groupdel
11 groupmod
10 groups
04 head
05 help (shell built-in)
03 history (shell built-in)
04 hostname
10 id
11 jobs (shell built-in)
11 kill (shell built-in)
11 killall
14 last
02 less (similar to "more"; used by "man")
08 ln ( -s )
04 locate
01 ls ( -l -i -a -d -L )
02 man ( -k )
09 md5sum
02 mkdir ( -p )
12 mkfs
12 mkswap
02 more (similar to "less")
12 mount
03 mv
04 nano [** USE VIM INSTEAD ***]
11 newgrp
04 nl (same as "cat -n")
02 passwd ( username )
11 ps ( uaxww -efww )
11 pstree
02 pwd (shell built-in and also external)
08 quota -v
10 reboot (see also: shutdown -h now)
03 rm ( -r -f )
02 rmdir
10 rpm
13 service
06 set (shell built-in)
06 shopt (shell built-in)
10 shutdown -h now (see also: reboot)
03 sleep (60)
04 sort ( -f -n -r )
11 su ( - )
11 sudo
04 sum
12 swapoff
12 swapon
04 tail
10 tar
01 toilet
03 touch
04 tr
02 tree
10 umask ( octal_number ) (shell built-in)
12 umount
04 unalias ( -a ) (shell built-in)
13 uname
04 uniq ( -c )
01 users
11 useradd
11 userdel
11 usermod
04 vi / vim / vimtutor
03 wc ( -l -w -c )
01 who
04 whoami
02 whois (week 2 notes)
10 yum
Keep a notebook with these command names in it and a short description of what each command does; you will be required to learn and remember at least some of what each of these commands can do.