videos (weekly cumulative)Updated: 2015-03-22 01:21 EDT
videosIndexThis file shows which CST8207 course weeks use which video files on
This set of video tutorials is for everyone in CST8207, not just Mac OSX users. There are occasional OSX-specific references that non-OSX users can ignore. Most of the videos are useful for any Unix/Linux system.
These video files are accessible with both closed captioning and full text transcripts.
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The leftmost number below is the week in which the
video was assigned as part of weekly Readings. A missing week number means the video hasn’t been formally assigned as a reading yet. Not all videos will be assigned as Readings in CST8207.
WK -- Week video was assigned in Readings ('x' means never assigned)
01 Introduction 3m 57s
01 Introduction 1m 14s
x Using the exercise files 2m 43s
1. Introduction to Unix 32m 2s
01 What is Unix? 7m 27s
x The terminal application 4m 23s
x Logging in and using the command prompt 5m 19s
02 Command structure 5m 22s
02 Kernel and shells 5m 25s
02 Unix manual pages 4m 6s
2. Filesystem Basics 15m 58s
02 The working directory 2m 49s
02 Listing files and directories 3m 59s
02 Moving around the filesystem 4m 58s
02 Filesystem organization 4m 12s
3. Working with Files and Directories 1h 4m
02 Naming files 5m 41s
02 - using quotes to hide blanks in file names
03 Creating files 2m 19s
04 Unix text editors 6m 39s
03 Reading files 5m 35s
03 Reading portions of files 3m 27s
03 Creating directories 2m 40s
03 Moving and renaming files and directories 8m 32s
03 Copying files and directories 3m 7s
03 Deleting files and directories 3m 38s
x Finder aliases in Unix 4m 10s
08 Hard links 5m 30s
08 Symbolic links 6m 36s
03 Searching for files and directories 6m 32s
4. Ownership and Permissions 34m 58s
10 Who am I? 4m 3s
10 Unix groups 1m 52s
10 File and directory ownership 6m 41s
10 File and directory permissions 4m 27s
10 Setting permissions using alpha notation 6m 49s
10 Setting permissions using octal notation 3m 49s
11 The root user 1m 57s
11 sudo and sudoers 5m 20s
5. Commands and Programs 52m 34s
03 Command basics 4m 4s
07 The PATH variable 4m 13s
11 System information commands 3m 40s
11 - date, uptime, users, who, uname, hostname, domainname
08 Disk information commands 6m 8s
08 - df, du,
11 Viewing processes 5m 0s
11 - ps
11 Monitoring processes 3m 36s
11 - top
11 Stopping processes 3m 19s
11 - kill
04 Text file helpers 6m 50s
04 - wc, sort, uniq
Utility programs 7m 28s
- cal, ncal, bc, expr, units
03 Using the command history 8m 16s
6. Directing Input and Output 20m 39s
04 Standard input and standard output 1m 24s
04 Directing output to a file 4m 13s
04 Appending to a file 2m 44s
04 Directing input from a file 5m 28s
04 Piping output to input 4m 40s
04 Suppressing output 2m 10s
7. Configuring Your Working Environment 41m 28s
07 Profile, login, and resource files 9m 11s
04 Setting command aliases 6m 59s
07 Setting and exporting environment variables 4m 54s
07 Setting the PATH variable 6m 10s
07 - using double quotes instead of single quotes
x Configuring history with variables 6m 17s
02 Customizing the command prompt 6m 5s
x Logout file 1m 52s
8. Unix Power Tools 1h 25m
04 grep: Searching for matching expressions 5m 21s
04 grep: Multiple files, other input 4m 28s
x grep: Coloring matched text 2m 57s
x Introduction to regular expressions 3m 22s
07 - protecting expressions using single quotes
x Regular expressions: Basic syntax 3m 19s
x Using regular expressions with grep 5m 20s
x tr: Translating characters 8m 17s
x tr: Deleting and squeezing characters 5m 30s
x sed: Stream editor 7m 45s
x sed: Regular expressions and back-references 7m 8s
x cut: Cutting select text portions 7m 42s
10 diff: Comparing files 4m 35s
x diff: Alternative formats 4m 30s
x xargs: Passing argument lists to commands 7m 25s
x xargs: Usage examples 7m 59s
x 9. Useful Mac-Only Commands and Techniques 42m 41s
x -- This entire OSX chapter not used in CST8207.
This set of video tutorials is for everyone in CST8207, not just Mac OSX users. There are occasional OSX-specific references that non-OSX users can ignore. Most of the videos are useful for any Unix/Linux system.
These video files are accessible with both closed captioning and full text transcripts.