Updated: 2015-10-26 04:27 EDT
Check the due date for each assignment and put a reminder in your agenda, calendar, and digital assistant.
Read the Test Instructions (all the words) before your next midterm test.
This Blackboard quiz is one of several quizzes in this course. Each midterm and final exam will have an associated Blackboard quiz. See the course outline for the mark weight of all course quizzes, midterm tests, and exams.
The Blackboard quizzes are open-book, but the midterm tests and final exam are closed-book.
This Blackboard quiz is based on the Midterm #2 Practice Test questions that are posted in the Class Notes. See the Week 05 Notes HTML for details on how the quiz is marked.
The CLS private address cst8207-alg.idallen.ca
has been re-enabled by ITS.
Demand For Linux Skills Rising This Year
This year is shaping up as a really good one for Linux, at least on the jobs front. According to a new report (PDF) from The Linux Foundation and Dice, nearly all surveyed hiring managers want to recruit Linux professionals within the next six months, with 44 percent of them indicating they’re more likely to hire a candidate with Linux certification over one who does not. Forty-two percent of hiring managers say that experience in OpenStack and CloudStack will have a major impact on their hiring decisions, while 23 percent report security is a sought-after area of expertise and 19 percent are looking for Linux-skilled people with Software-Defined Networking skills. Ninety-seven percent of hiring managers report they will bring on Linux talent relative to other skills areas in the next six months.
Your userid is all lower-case. There are no capital letters. Trying an incorrect userid will lock you out of the CLS:
Feb 24 23:12:11 Accepted password for xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:11:09 Invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:11:16 Failed password for invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:11:24 Failed password for invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:11:33 Failed password for invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:11:43 Failed password for invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:11:52 Failed password for invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:12:11 Failed password for invalid user Xxxxnnnn from
Mar 3 22:12:37 refused connect from cpef87b8c0998e9-cmbcc81013650f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com (
fgrep -c "refused connect" /var/log/auth.log
fgrep "refused connect" /var/log/auth.log | wc
fgrep 'refused connect' /var/log/auth.log | tail
less /etc/hosts.evil