Updated: 2016-04-22 23:56 EDT

Learning curves showing difficulty of vi

Learning curves showing difficulty of vi

1 Due Date and DeliverablesIndexup to index

Do not print this assignment on paper!

2 Purpose of this AssignmentIndexup to index

Do not print this assignment on paper! On paper, you cannot follow any of the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question.

This is a BONUS assignment for extra credit. It is optional.

  1. Learn more about the VIM text editor, the editor used by most Unix system administrators. The editor is “hard to learn and easy to use”.

  2. This is the only editor available on many non-GUI servers.

Choose Your editor carefully

Choose Your editor carefully

3 TasksIndexup to index

This is a BONUS assignment for extra credit. It is optional.

File and directory references below refer to pathnames created in VIM Worksheet #6 ODT. (For web viewing see VIM Worksheet #6 HTML.)

  1. Read the VIM Notes.
  2. Complete the command-line vimtutor VIM tutorial on the CLS.
  3. Complete VIM Worksheet #6 ODT.
  4. Rename your lab06 directory from the Worksheet to be assignment04 under your CST8207-16W/Assignments directory.

  5. Rename your .verify.txt file in that directory to be assignment04.txt This assignment04.txt file should contain exactly 18 lines of text.

  6. Transfer the above assignment04.txt file from the CLS to your local computer and verify its contents. Do not edit this file! No empty files, please! Edited or damaged files will not be marked. You may want to refer to your File Transfer notes.

  7. Submit the assignment04.txt file under the correct Assignment area on Blackboard (with the exact name) before the due date.

    Follow the same submission method as all your previous assignments.


Real Programmers Use VIM

Real Programmers Use VIM

VIM User

VIM User

| Ian! D. Allen  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
| Defend digital freedom:  http://eff.org/  and have fun:  http://fools.ca/

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