============================================ Unix/Linux Final Exam - hints for full marks ============================================ -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca Here are some points to ensure that you get full marks on your Unix/Linux final exam. *) Bring a soft pencil and a good eraser. You will have a full set of multiple-choice questions to answer on a mark-sense bubble sheet. Erase mistakes completely - the machine is very sensitive. *) Put your full, unabbreviated name on the mark-sense bubble sheet. Use the exact name you gave the Registrar - that's the name the computer is looking for when it matches your name against its database. Use the exact name with which you are registered. Pay attention to the order of Last and First names. Spelling counts. *) The final exam is about 100 minutes long. Manage your time. The multiple-choice questions are worth 2/3 of the overall mark (20% out of 30% - 66 minutes out of 100). The script writing question is worth the remaining 1/3 (10% out of 30% - 33 minutes out of 100). *) I want to measure what you know, not what you don't know. Answer all the questions you know, first. Don't waste time with questions about which you are unsure. Come back to them later. *) Concentrate on your own answers. There are different versions of the test in the room. Your answers will not match the people around you. That's okay. Relax. Breathe. *) Start writing your script *only* on the right hand pages in your exam booklets. Put only two or three steps on each page and leave *lots* of white space above and below for corrections. Major corrections can be written on the left hand pages and inserted (using drawn arrows) if you run out of space on the right page. Start on the right; leave lots of space above and below each step; add code on the left had pages if you need to. Leave lots of space! *) Don't waste time erasing large chunks of your script. Cross it out and start over if you have to. Use erasing only to handle minor corrections. Don't erase entire steps - cross them out and just rewrite them. Your script has to be readable; but, it doesn't have to be beautiful. *) You are writing an executable script. Every line in your script must be either a comment or a valid shell script command line. If you want to write notes to me or to yourself, use shell comments. *) Unix is case-sensitive. Don't write upper-case unless you mean it.