How to capture DEBUG output when using DOS
- Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com
This is a step-by-step explanation of the use of input and output
redirection in DOS. You might find this useful when saving the output
of DEBUG into a file (or files).
* Suppose I want to capture the DEBUG output of dumping the boot sector.
* (You choose the DEBUG commands that you need to execute.)
* To dump the boot sector, here's what I would normally type into DOS
* and DEBUG, along with the expected output:
-L 0 0 0 1
-D 0 L 20
2C4B:0000 EB 45 90 22 22 79 6F 3D-49 48 43 00 02 02 01 00 .E.""yo=IHC.....
2C4B:0010 02 F0 00 34 08 F0 04 00-0E 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 ...4............
* I don't want this DEBUG output on my screen; I want it in a file,
* so that I can have it for printing or incorporating into my
* assignment when I reboot my computer and restart Windows.
* Just like Unix (from which it was copied), DOS supports input and
* output redirection on command lines. So I type this output redirection:
* At this point, everything that would normally appear on my screen
* is being sent into the file named OUT in the current directory.
* (You can use any pathname to put the output anywhere you want.)
* Now, when I say *everything*, I mean *everything*. That means
* anything I type won't echo on my screen, it's going to go directly
* into the file OUT. So I can't see what I'm typing. I have to
* type "blind" and hope I don't make any mistakes. So I type the
* same three lines I typed above. They don't echo on my screen (I'm
* typing blind, with no keyboard character echo at all):
L 0 0 0 1 *** BLIND TYPING: this line does not echo on my screen ***
D 0 L 20 *** BLIND TYPING: this line does not echo on my screen ***
Q *** BLIND TYPING: this line does not echo on my screen ***
* The moment I type Q and hit return, DEBUG exits, just as it did
* above. I look in the output file to see the echo of what I typed,
* along with the expected output from DEBUG:
-L 0 0 0 1
-D 0 L 20
2C4B:0000 EB 45 90 22 22 79 6F 3D-49 48 43 00 02 02 01 00 .E.""yo=IHC.....
2C4B:0010 02 F0 00 34 08 F0 04 00-0E 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 ...4............
* I must have blind-typed the lines correctly - it looks correct.
* So that's one way to save output from DEBUG into a file; but, I don't
* like the fact that I can't see what I'm typing.
* DOS also supports input redirection. That means I can prepare a file
* containing my typed commands and feed that file as input to DEBUG.
* So I will prepare a text input file containing my three DEBUG command
* lines. I use the DOS "EDIT" command to do this. EDIT supports the
* arrow keys so that I can move around and edit text. When I want to
* exit, I push ALT-F to bring up the File menu, and I use the arrow keys
* (or I type x) to select "Exit". It asks me where to save the file,
* and I type in a file name such as "INPUT".
* After creating the INPUT text file with EDIT, I type my input text
* file on the screen to make sure it is correct:
L 0 0 0 1
D 0 L 20
* Those are the three commands I want DEBUG to execute.
* (Don't forget the Q (QUIT) command as the last line!)
* I first select only DOS input redirection, so that I can see the
* output from DEBUG on my screen:
* DEBUG read my three commands from the file INPUT and displayed the
* output on my screen - I didn't have to type anything.
* Since I'm happy with that output, I redo the same command but this
* time add output redirection to save the output in a file called OUT:
* No input was needed from me - it all came from the INPUT file.
* No output is visible - it all went into the OUT file.
* I check the contents of the output file OUT:
-L 0 0 0 1
-D 0 L 20
2C4B:0000 EB 45 90 22 22 79 6F 3D-49 48 43 00 02 02 01 00 .E.""yo=IHC.....
2C4B:0010 02 F0 00 34 08 F0 04 00-0E 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 ...4............
* That's correct.
* I repeat variations on this process until I have all the output files
* I want for my assignment. For small commands, I type blind and
* just redirect the output. For more complex things, I use EDIT to
* prepare a list of commands that I want DEBUG to execute for me.
| Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
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